73326 TME35

73326 TME35


I’i« >• i v*m X founded a young mutatit team. the New Mi i an is. for training. After Xavier had journeyed into outer space and a new hcadmaster. Magneto, had come and gone. C.MiL£ became the team’s mentor. He trained his young chatges to become soldiers against mutant threats and renamed the team X-Force. The initial roster includcd Boom

Boom (later Meltdown) and Cannonball. Feral,

Sh ittcrstar.Warpath.and the shapesliifter Copycat. w ho posed as Cables aily Domino. The real Domino later joined X-Foixe. as did Bodłam, Caliban.

Mooratar, Rictor. Siryn, and Sunspot.

After Oablc Icft, former British mtclligencc agent Peter Wisdom briefly took over as leader, nirning the team into an cven morę aggressive comniando sejuad. X-Force then disbanded.

Two other teams have been called X Forcc. The first.predating Cables group, consisted of members of the US armed forces who underwent artifici.il nuitation. A third group brieriy usurped the name "X-Force" before adopting the moro original nanie X-Siaiix. ps


fBwfiam 2Don •    3 Or dl

4 Oanota Moonstar S Warpoth (Prcodstar) 6 itdown (Boom Boom) 7 Sunspo" 8 Siryn

FACTRLE NOTABLE MEMBERS BEDLAM (Josso Aaronson) Can dorupt electrontc dev>ces. DOMINO

Can alt er luck in her favor. formidabłe combatant. CANNONBALL Can propel himsełf throogh the air by releasing energy DANIELLE MOONSTAR Could create images from the •Tiinds of others WARPATH (Proudstar) Superhuman strength. speed. and durability.

MELTDOWN (Boom Boom) Creates oxpk>sive energy balls. SUNSPOT

Absorbs solar energy for superhuman strength SIRYN Sonic scream BASE Varkxjs


X-Force # 1 (August 1991)


Eve« on thc altcrnatc Earth known as the Agc of Apocalypse, Mister Sinister is as obsesscd with thc progeny ofjcan Grey and Scott Summcrs (set Cyclops) as thc Mister Sinister of Earth-616. After obtainitig genetie materiał from these two

individuals. lie created their    _

chilci artificially, naining liim

Nathan Grey. By greatly accclcrating thc child s growth and development Sinister intendcd to use Nathan s mutant powers to fight Apocalypse.

Ultimately, thc Age of Apocalypse timclinc was | doomed. After killmg Sinister—an act which gave him no plcasurc—Nate managed to escape to the mainstream Earth. Following Ins arrival he madę it his goal to preeent tliis Earth from suffering the same dystopian fate. Although initially at odds with the X-Mfn. he eventually joined the team.bcfore becoming a shaman and dedicating himself to healing and guiding otliers. Sadly. Nate s lite was to end prematurely when he sacrificed himself to protect his adopted home reality. AD

When moved to anger, X-Man$ paarac fury was ałmost unstoppabło.



Nathan “Nate” Oroy





HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in WEIGHT 171 IbS EYES Blue HAIR Brown


X-Man $1

(March 1995)

- V |A( - X

A tetopalh of vast power able to road and cootrol minds. projoct h® astral form across tho wortd. and crooto oomplex pskx*c ikiaons. and *ps>oró spfkos.’ Ateo possossed consśderabte tettwetic powers, aflowing h*n to move fieavy objocis at w*.



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