Itoit 4.
Por tho trlcopa and trapotlua.
If you ar* longor logged than tho aworag* person thla tost will b* a llttle awfcward, unless you havo a oouplo of high backod chairs.
Mon hor* 1* tho idoa.
Arrange twe chaira no they Ifcco boek tc back whlle you stand botwooc thoa with ono hond on th* back of eaoh chair.
Koep your ara* stlff and grodually support your wholo bodyw*i-,ht ar. thoa by dmriag tho ho*la up to tho buttoeks.
Fold tho head up, and bogiń to broatho out aa you hond tho *lbows to lowor yourtolf botwe*n tho ohalra aa fhr down os posslble wlthout ollowlng tho knoos to touoh tho flocr.
r/bon you hayo loworod yoursolf as nu oh as ooaslblo, bogiń to proos baok ur.tll your snaa aro stralght one© moro.
Jbo Iow©ring and ralaing aro a oontlnuoua novonont and no hoarlng nust bo alloood. You say flnd It a tough Job, but lt will prove your weak spoto*
?wo or throo tltaos will bo plonty, and don*t "or-et to broatho out as you dsneond In as you rlso.
Test 5. Por tho chost, abdocaon and trloopo#
Thls is a dlpping ozorcis© słał lar to what you havo boon praotlcing, with tho that tliła ls noro adranood.
Plaoo your ftoot on tho soat of a chair, and plaoe your honda on tho floor, and nren this posłtłon, whiio koo pi nr. tho body porfootly atrnirht, soo how aany fclsea you car. por fora tho aovenont.
Broatho in as you lower and out as you rolao.
Tost 6. fur Duj Trloops.
TM o onerolso is o pip and will nako your trloops orack.
Tako up your posłtłon feactoed towarda tho fOot ot your bod, or against a babio with tho hands plaood on tho odgo of samo.
3© for o you eon cocnonc© you wat sto? Away fTor- tho tablo whllo you still retain thr -rip on th* bod raił er tablo odro. Continuo to stop away untll you fbol a docldod strilr. or. your trlooos—tho bock of your u.jsor am—thon stop.
Mcm you aro roody to bogiń.
-oop tho f»et ln liro, tho logo aad body stralpht and also tho ans.
By bonding tho o łbowa you lento r your body as far down as posslble only bonding tho body slirhtly. The nrzs should bo oomolately bont so that tho shouldors aro about lovol with what you aro grlpping.
Th* test sono o in tho push up. The trioops bo ar all tho o f fort. You aust T*iah up untll tho arma and body aro porroctly straight.
In thls ©zorciso you can broatho olthor way. It nattor3 llttlo Kuch. You •-wat not hoaro tho body up. LI ko all tho novwncnto ln tho tost thoy auat bo fkirly slow and don* by tho cusolos.
You my be ablo to make six repet!tlona wlthout any reat offort. If so, tt is all rtght, but do lt rlght.
TThon you havo put ln firo or slz ai^ht* on thsse trata, you can wind up oo th* sizth or sereotith ntght by prowing hot/ naay tijaos you car. perforuj oaoh tost, thon lot tac hoar tho roaults.
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