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Ethnicity and Violence: The Case of Radical Basque Nationalism

Autorzy Diego Muro

Herri Batasuna ETA Wyszukaj

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Strony wyświetlane za zezwoleniem Routledge. Prawa autorskie.

suną that pa id at the ballot box. Months before the attack, Herri Batasuna had obtained 210,430 votes in the European elections, thereby becoming the leading party in the region, but in the ncxt European elections in 1989 HB had dropped to second position. The relevance of Herri Batasuna dur-ing the 1980s was crucial because its level of support was interpreted by the press, opinion-makers, and academics as support or sympathy for ETA (Llera, Mata, &: Irvin 1993). In generał, HB got an average of between 15 and 20 per cent of the vote of the Basque electorate, depending on the election. Since several of their candidates came from ETA and, in some instances there was dual membership of the two organisations, Herri Batasuna was widely regarded as the ‘political arnT of ETA.12 This close affilia-tion with ETA led to the banning of the party and the imprisonment of the twenty-three-member leadership (mesa naciotial) by Judge Balrasar Gar-zón in December 1997.

The history of Herri Batasuna during the 1980s can be divided into two phases. The first covered its establishment as an electoral coalition in the years 1978 to 1981 whereas the second witnessed its consolidation as a movement of ‘popular unity’ from 1982 to 1987 (Hausnartzen III: 28; Herri Batasuna 1999: 6). The first phase began with the founding of Herri Batasuna as an electoral coalition on 27 ApriI 1978 in the rown of Alsasua, Navarre. The parties that madę up HB were Herriko Alderdi Socialista Iraultzailea (HASI), Langile Abcrtzale Iraultzailccn Alderdia (I. Al A), Eus-kal Sozialista Biltzarrea (ESB), Euskal Iraultzarako Alderdia (EIA), and Acción Nacjonalista Vasca (ANV) which had been active during the 1930s. The coalition also had the support of a series of charismatic individuals of the ‘abertzale left’ such as Jon Idfgoras, Txomin Zuloaga, Ińaki Aldekoa, Francisco Letamendfa, Patxi Zabaleta, and Telesforo Monzón, for mer


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Francisco Letamendfa, Parxi Zabaleta, and Telesforo Monzón, former minister of the Basque Autonomous Government in 1937.’'A noteworthy evcnt during this first stage was the hostiiity of the abertzales to the King in 1981. The monarch attended the Casa de Juntas de Gernika on 4 Febru-ary 1981 and the nineteen members of Herri Batasuna interrupted Juan Carlos’s speech by singing the nationalist anthem, Eusko Gudariak, after which they were expelled from the chamber. The protest outraged both Basque and Spanish public opinion, which were shoeked at Herri Batasuna^ anti-system characteristics. The HB parliamentarians also showed their tactical intransigence after the 1979 generał elections by refusing to

Ethnicity and Violence: The Case of Radical Basque Nationalism

Autorzy Diego Muro

Herri Batasuna ETA Wyszukaj

Informacje o książce

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►    Moja historia Książki w Google Play

130 Ethnicity and Yiolence



Strony wyświetlane za zezwoleniem Routledge. Prawa autorskie.

occupy their seats in the Spanish and Basque Parliaments. The goal then became one of using the electoral process as a ‘mechanism for demonstrat-ing a high level of voter discontent in the Basque Provinces and to denounce the cxisting political system’ (Irvin 1999: 120).

In a second phase (1982-1987), Herri Batasuna became the main politi-



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