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STTC Tuli lAiipuCi \jł inu\ iiiA vui f*uj JWA1    c/w

On March 14, the fourth death in the recent wave of killings occurred in San Sebastian, when a young Basque named Luis Aristizabal was hit in the head by a rubber bullet while he was inside a moving automobile. Aristizabal was in no way con-nected with the demonstrations that were going on about him, and his death was clearly an acddent. Yet the reaction of Guipuzcoa was strongly negative. Again, the Pro-Amnesty Assodations called for the removal of the Guardia Civil from the Basque country. In the resort town of Zarauz, a dem-onstrating crowd of morę than one thousand was blocked and dispersed by a force of Guardia Civil troops firing rubber

The Basques, the Franco

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guardia civil ETA

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ine oasques: me rranco rears and ueyond


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The Basques, the Franco Years and Beyond

Autorzy Robert P. Clark

guardia civil ETA Wyszukaj

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bullets into the midst of the demonstrators. In the town of Mondragón there was a funeral service for the dead Guardia Civil member, and the rightist crowd that gathered outside the cathedral chanted "Franco, Franco, Franco" and "Death to ETA." Finally, following the funeral in San Sebastian for Aristizabal, a crowd of morę than 6,000 marched silently through the city until they were blocked by the police and dispersed once again with rubber bullets and tear gas.27

While the violence in San Sebastian drew considerable at-tention and caused much turmoil, what could have been an even morę dramatic rupture of the social order was narrowly missed when, on March 6, the rightist former Minister of Interior Manuel Fraga Iribarne altered his usual Sunday Schedule and thus avoided an ambush that had been set for him by persons alleged to be ETA militants. Apparently, ETA had chosen that particular day to assassinate Fraga because of the conservative poiitical figure's role in suppressing the Vi-toria strike of a year earlier. A speech at a poiitical luncheon lasted longer than he had planned, however, and Fraga was unable to return to his apartment for his mid-day meal and


m tan^

- fil V •<» 06:36

TLU w 2015-04-24

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mediately, this response will be stopped, as we have already announced." With these words, ETA put the Suarez govern-ment on notice of its intent to join the amnesty struggle with the weapons at its disposal: kidnapping and assassination. The fuli impact of that threat was soon to be felt.

On March 14, the fourth death in the recent wave of killings occurred in San Sebastian, when a young Basque named Luis Aristizabal was hiHnthe head bv a rubber bullet while he was


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