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Cont.rastive grammar: contrastive syntax (3)

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Cmitrastive grammar year 2 (translators)

Handouyfc Contrasting syntax (3) - the NP: definiteness


b)    E: primarily signaled by articles. P: (in-)definite NPs may not be overtly marked (there is no structural device which is systematically used to mark the definite or indefinite character of NPs, as articles do in E).

c)    As a result, ambiguity may arise: P Odwiedziląm staruszką. - E / visited a/the old wotnan.

d)    Proper nouns are inherently definite in both languages, and so do personal pronouns in their deictic and anaphoric function.

e)    There is a group of cases in which determiners other than articles are employed to mark definiteness.

Contrastive grammar: contrastive syntcac (3)

c) l Jiy polish i I»lu. L' NPs tend to be placed near the end of the sentence, the

(//jfY(jUNPs -War sentence-initial nńsitions.

d)    IoPolish: words which make up jf) J(jG(.info are moved to the beginning of the


sentence, regardless of their syntę

Similarly, words which make up i

regardless of their syntactic function.


info are moved to the end of the sentence

Exercise 1

Translate the foliowing into English, but use other determiners than articles. Are the NPs definite or indefinite? How is (in-)definiteness mąrked? . L    <:    n b.

' Chce kumćoewna książkę. *    ho .W| Ot, C^NUh

Chcę kupić jakaś książkę.    — ) i ——    { - '

Nie mam żadnych książek. J (JL& b, • t"

Chce kupić jakakolwiek ksiaike. j\    —

Personal pronouns.

• Differ from E personal pronouns in their richness of morphological fonns marking gender, person and number distinctions, as well as case (they have fuli declension paradigms), e.g.:    ,    ,    .    a

a)    E2”d person plyoM-P............... . .    l .    ■

b) E 2nd person pl possessive pron your - P............h«0/.?SjóęC)n1 j    Otrv^' *W

C7    D* rtorertnal wnttrtiittd    Ko ncorl atirJPtKrtrioalIt/ _    aro pAfroforonłial    «

j i~j    jjvi    y* pooooooi r pi on yowi x rtr.w.,,. w..i|. «■. .w.. i.    c. i 1 |

In both E and P: personal pronouns can be used anaphorically - they are cdreferential with their antecedents. Their position in the sentence is governed by their antecedents,

Exercise 2



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Exercise 4

af P <28 skaleczyłm - E He hurt hims.elf

u\ 11    ^----— ...•---•“ -    n i    \a—'PAdiitcTmeet    -    

Anubis a*

Instructjons as above.

:) 'Fe największe psy też mają swój upoję. ,    _

b)    Tą twoja ciotka to bohater. 3 h oJr    f u

c) Czy wiesz co ten Tomek zrobił?    ^    ® *’    nr A >•"

OTft oh

Ti (Aktynu

Comment on the differences in the usage of personal pronouns in E and P.

a)    P Po tym, jak mu o tym powiedziałem, Janek nigdy już nas nie odwiedzał.

b)    E After 1 told (tm about it, John never yisited us.


2. Definiteness and word order in Polish. There is an apparent correspondence betv\^e?r the presence of the definite article in English and the word order position of a NP in Polish.

P Qn nie odwiedzał nas więcej po tym, jak Jankowi o tym powiedziałem. E He did not visit us anymore after I told John about it.


P Janek trzymał książkę kolo siebie    '

E John kepi the book near him.

Exercise 3

(i) Which sentence is morę natural?

a)    Zobaczyłam na ulicy mężczyznę. Papierosa palił mężczyzna.

b)    Zobaczyłam na ulicy mężczyznę. Mężczyzna palił papierosa. Comment on the E equivalent: how different is it?

c)    E / serw a man in the Street. The man was smoking a cigarette.

P Odkąd ona kupiła samochód, Maria nigdy nie spóźniła się do pracy. ° Odkąd kupiła samochód, Maria nigdy nie spóźniła się do pracy. h) E Since shę. bought the car, Mary has never been łatę for work.


(ii) Instruction as above;

d)    Gdy szlam ulicą kobieta podeszła do mnie i zapytała o drogę.

e)    Gdy szlam ulicą podeszła do mnie kobieta i zapytała o drogę.

Comment on the E equivalent; how different is it?

f)    E When 1 was walking down the Street, a woman carne up and asked the way.

(iii) Complete the rules below.

a) A rule for both E and P: a (J


in tne precedi

P whose definiteness derives from presence of a coreferential NP in the preceding context is located in the VuY position of a sentence. - A i

•    VV>> i



b) Neutral (unmarked) order:

Information first

r ęrs    *


EI saw ąjzirl. A pholawas taken-by-the-sir-l.

information last.


Exercłse 5

What is the P equivalent of the expletive itl

E It is unbelievable thatyou don i know him.

4. The reflexive constructions.

•    In both E and P: reflexive pronouns, emphatic pronouns (emphatic reflexives); in P: the reflexive particie się after reflexive verbs.

•    E 9 reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, oneself etc., emphatic pronouns have the same form as refiexive pronouns,

•    P 4 reflexive pronouns: siebie, się, sobą sobie, emphatic pronouns: sam, samego, samemu, samym, etc. in all genders and cases.

Exercłse 6

a)    P Musiał umyć się sam. - E ?He had to wash himselfhimself.

b)    P Anna sprzedała swój samochód. - E Ann has sold hęr car.

° Ambiguity; E John broke his pencil.

c)    E Mary [talked to John about himself] ~ P Maria mówiła z Jankiem o sobie.



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