

304 kwa

ArchoaołogJial ««urcn pmve that lhoiłc conlucls hwłiiie morę inlenic from ihr hogitwung 0f ihc Iron Agr u w aa (hal Ihe populalion of Villanovan cullure, whtch wm iprad north of thc Apmmnca and proeeded propcr Ftruacan populo-ium. ww v«ry ociive m thia regard. Objęcia feoni ihe Vłllanovnn period bolh tho*c from 9* and 4* cent aiarted to reach firm Ihe Alpine regiona, eapccially eaalcfn. and (hm Kg may obaervc (heir preaence on ihe areaa ailualed further lo ehe north They mork ihe conneclion linka, which are vłaible flisu in Ihe laier pe-nuda. Tttcic werc brat ol *11 luaunou* producta connccled willi Ihe ideology of wamora. nuci a* antennehiliad sworda. crcaicd helmeta, hamc»* clemenii and aeeeeeet-eheped razoiłlAigner Foreali 1991: 158, 160, l ig A, fi, II, N;vonll»ac 1992: 240 242. 245-249. Piga 2-6, MII). Al ihe aurne limę in varioua regiona fhey ahow many imiiutum* and locel variaiiona, as for examplc a Word • (comp. Mftlłer-Karpe 1961, PUtca 54.98), bul generally llicir dialribulion ia Ihe evidcncc of a long-diaUncr cm hangę. going from central llaly aa far aa lo Ihe Elbę and Ihe Oder and aunh of ihoac nv*r* (Fig. 6). Il look place in Ihe period, when Mungo-non metallurgicai centrę* (which dominatcd previoualy m Ihe Bron ze Age) cal' tapend. and llalian one* appeared, w herca* m central l.urope ncw aulhorily ccnirct rmerged. havmg uli/S'local polilicjil and oocial orgnniaalion and conlrolled (rade roulea dCnałianaen 1991; 143 t,).

li wnuki be worih mcntioning herc thc amphorac branże urna, which are abundantly repreoewied in central and nonliem llaly, and known elao from central Lumpa A pariicuiorły apcctecular cxamplc comea from Cievelingahauacn, dialricl uf Mcachdc, from on urn gravc (JockcnhAvcl 1974: 16 f, Plaica I -5, Fig. 2). In dw rap .on* tttuOcd north of ihe Alp*, ihal k md of biconical form a werc found in a mora Mgmltcani number of płace*. flowcver, thc objęcia wilh Itnob*. on image of um-hoai and ftgunnea of double birda, conalilute ralher a minority (comp. Jo-ikenWr.t! i '/74. hg 7). A bronzc vc*ocl from Prześlą wice (Fig. 7) in Ihe dialricl of (audnal/. Pulami, may be rncniioncd herc »* a oimilnr llalian import. Ila form ^■■■MHiMilldmelłw ii* provcnance wa» central or norlhem llaly (Cicdl 2001 H. Pi*<ca 1440. 15.10) Himilar urn wilh Ihal kiru! of dccoralion wn» found tg.:iiVdiMdKnecrcpoliaQuairo Fontanili, in grave AA I. deacribed aa a grave 0*d    aqu«pped werrior (Jockcnhovel 1974. Fig. 4. F.gg 1988, Fig. 5; von

Maae 1992 243-245. Figa 7-8)’

sHIf^Mf-dlMr gnoda from Etruria rcuchcd thc Alpine regiona, moslly thc emiem port of them Thcre were ollcn luaurioua producta, aa for example single •waela in i Baj •/) mktti or ihrcc-lmrtad pultery. I l<rwcver, ihe higheat inflowof Mcdiurraim producta modc by I tru*can« or dialribulcd by llicui into lite nor-(hem regłoo*. owady through Ho li/gna. i* ob*ervcd in 7'*1 cent. Il waii Ihcn Ihal H obyocta oppearod known lo ua maniły from wcalthy gravca, auch a*: labie-wara id aiinui prolomca ornament*, bronzc bowla and fitruocan-Corinlhian otnucho*. ihree-footcd pottery, gi/Ul jawa Mery maile wilh a noc of fłligree-work. /4p ««fi ■ wagom, dw romaindcr* pf which arc found in thc form uf Wlnkrl-

ora    «uch *•    utaj/iom-

KtfUMtn eyeunw of • *»"* ***hmti*


KI 1 ))«»«/* litnplion, from Cr/cUttwi.In    Vcn \addm lypr fofict '«/)! ,    | frn |.| VI,

■JnU wilh Mmc numerem* siiuluc and juk* (comp. lip,. H) (Aigner-Foreati 1993 59; 160-161, Płg. B. |., o. S; von i lanc 1992; 260-262. F iga 2* 26. I99S, 10) łbowe product* werc haaically ihe aymbola of prcwtigc. poaaibly • part of thern werc rcmaiiulcni of gifta exchwi|ted among an«Uxrracy. ftacy probabły ■iryed to manifeat friend»hip and werc aigna of afTinily or alliancc*. A pan frorn 9łc import* menMoncd before, thc contacU wilh thc l.lruacan culturc contribol-•4 lo adopting new cuałotna, c.g. aa long aa wotnen clothing i* concerned. likc thc new kinda of fl buląc (Navicclla and Sanguiaga 6 buląc, bow and boat fi buląc) (Aigner-Foreati 1993: 162; von llaac 1992: 250 253. Fig* 15, 16; luka 1959 P *27, Fig* 11 -16). A Ino thc warrior'* outfłt changed they itartcd weanng new typca ot helmetH (comp. Anilktr Ilchtu- I9HH: 222-275). Furtbcrmorc. new tcch-nologica appeared (c.g. paatc preparat lon in pot tery pmduction) and decorativc tnotifa wcrc adopted (c.g. archca and palmcttca). Drink mg winc wat alao one of Ihet new cualoma. That cuatom wui apread among llallatati elitę ■ due to coniacu wilh thc South, and ia well provcd by thc tablcwarc found m rieb cłucftatn tumult (comp. Fig. 11) (Aigner-Forealt 1993: 162; von llaac 1998. I ig II).

We ahull alao mcnlion Ihe appcaruncc of ftgural art. intluding huni.in repre wenlalion* in Ihe cullurc of Central l-.uropc. which umil then w aa atrongly aoi-Oonical, and Ihe influence Ihal fact had on thc dcvclopmcnt uf aniatic uleaa among yartotiw local communtlica We could mcnlion herc at li a t thc wagon iliii utcnad in Strcttwcg which had analogie* in aimdar rrprcacntation* di*covrr«d in Italy and


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