OPIS1 (6)

OPIS1 (6)

mandarin collar jacket

SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate


Directions are written for Size S with changes for larger sizes given in parentheses. When only one number is given, it applies to all sizes.

NOTĘ: For ease in working, circle all numbers pertaining to the size you’re knitting.


Underarm (closed) = 36 (39Y2, 421/2, 46)" Length = 211/2 (22, 221/2, 23)"


Classic Elitę Montera

50% llama, 50% wool; 31/2 oz. (100 g); 127 yds. (116 m); worsted weight

•    6 (7, 7, 8) hanks #3829 Aqua Ice (MC)

•    1 hank #3876 Pacha Mama (CC)


•    Size 9 (5.5 mm) knitting needles OR SIZE NEEDED TO OBTAIN GAUGE

•    Size 8 (5 mm) knitting needles

•    Size G/6 (4 mm) crochet hook

•    Blunt-end yarn needle

•    2 sets of snap fasteners


22 sts and 34 rows = 6" (15 cm) in Body pat with larger needles.




Beg at lower edge with larger needle and MC,cast on 66 (72,78,84) sts. Work even in Body pat until piece measures approx 1314" from beg, ending with a WS row.

Shape armhole: Bind off 4 (4, 5,5) sts at beg of next 2 rows—58 (64, 68,74) sts.

Dec row (RS): K1, ssk, work Body pat to last 3 sts, k2tog, kl.Work Body pat across next row. Rep last 2 rows 4 times morę—48 (54, 58, 64) sts. Cont in est pat until piece measures approx 21 (2114, 22. 2214)" from beg, ending with a WS row.

Shape shoulder and back neck: Bind off 13


(15, 16, 18) sts at beg of next 2 rows. Bind off rem 22 (24,26,28) sts.

Ssk (sl, sl, knit) = Slip next 2 stitches (sts) to right-hand needle singiy and knitwise; insert tip of left-hand needle through front loops of both sts and knit them together.


Body Pattern (a multiple of 6 sts; 8-row rep) Row 1 (WS): Purl.

Row 2: Knit.

Row 3: (P3, k3) across.

Row 4: *P1, k into st one row below next st: pl, k3; rep from * across.

Rows 5 and 6: Rep Rows 1 and 2.

Row 7: (K3, p3) across.

Row 8: *K3, pl, k into one row below next st, p 1; rep from * across.

Rep Rows 1-8 for Body pat.

Notę: Jacket trim is croclieted in 2 rounds: I ronini of single crochet and one round of reucrsc single crochet.


Beg at lower edge with larger needles and MC, cast on 24 (27,30,33) sts.

Row 1 (WS): P (first row ofBody pat).

Row 2 (RS): KI, Ml (see Make 1 directions, page 66), k to end.

Row 3: (P3, k3) across, ending with pl (4, 1, 4). Including new sts in Body pat as they accumulate, inc 1 st at front edge every RS row until 48 (51, 54, 57) sts rem. Work even on next WS row. Dec row: KI, ssk, work Body pat across. Rep Dec row every RS row 7 (6. 5, 4) times morę, then every 4th row 10 (11, 12, 13) times. AT THE SAME

Knit It! Spring 2006 75


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