n16 •22 N-m
{1.6 - 2.2 kg-m,
12 - 16 ft-lb)

1 •— Snap retainer
N \
35. Install throttle lever, manuał piąte, manuał shaft, selector rangę lever and parking rod assembly, then tighten manuał shaft securing nuts.
36. Insert manuał valve to control valve body, then assemble them to transmission case.
Pay attention to the direction of manuai and detent valves' grooves.
37. Before installing oil pan, check ałignment and operation of manuał lever and parking pawi engagement. Slow mechanism with air to cłean
38. Install two magnets into oil pan, then install oil pan with new gasket and oil pan guard.
39. Install seal ring and governor cap, then secure it with snap retainer.
When installing snap retainer, pay attention tc its direction.
Protruston m case —
1 H

40. Install oil pump shaft and input shaft.
Oil pumo shaft
-— Concave oortion
* cl i1, ;ca
Git purr*p sice
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