24 (244)

24 (244)

Cdt La dxo±± IBoo&nzarlz

Two Shuttles/Ring & Chain Method ™

{Needle tatters need 2 tatting needles.}


Flora size 10 or 20

Requirements:Knowledge of split ring for needle and shuttle tatters. Finished Size: Size 10 thread - 3" x 2"

Size 20 thread -l"x 1/2"

Circle of Rings

CR 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 -1 Cl. (Notę for experience tatters this can be a split ring.)

SpR 3 + (to picot of CR) 3 /8 Cl.

*SpR 7/8 Cl.

SpR 3 + (to next picot of CR) 3/8 Cl. *

Repeat from * to * around for a total of 7 SpR.

SpR 7, (join to the first ring) 8 Cl.

Tie and hide the threads, put aside.

The following is for Shuttle Tatters, needle tatters go to page 26.

Cross - Shuttle Tatters

Wind 2 shuttles continuous - Fili the first shuttle and then unwind enough thread from the bali about 5 yards to fili the second shuttle before cutting the thread from the bali.

Begin with the ring that will be the center of the cross. This is a split ring with rings around the outside. Shuttle 1 SpR 5. Donotclose.

Shuttle 2 R5-5-5-5.

Shuttle 1 SpR 5.

Shuttle 2 R5-5-5-5.

Shuttle 1 SpR 5.

Shuttle 2 R5-5-5-5.

Shuttle 2 SpR 5.

You should have 1 center ring and 3 rings going around the outside of that ring.



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