323 (29)
Wire headdress frames
195 Silk-covered,
copper alloy wire headdress frame with traces of a silk veilno. 1461(1:1)

Hair Accessories
Uncovered wire
1451 SWA81 acc. no. 1696 (context 2081) ceramic phase 9
Brass (AML); one end hammered flat and pierced and the other broken off; d lmm; surviving 1 400mm; d of hole 1.5mm.
1452 BC72 3989 (88) 11
Brass (AML); three conjoining fragments bent double and partly twisted; d lmm; surviving 1 475mm.
1453 SWA81 4998 (2069) 11
Brass (AML); one end clenched and the other broken off; bent out of shape; d 1.5mm; surviving 1 300mm.
1454 SWA81 2166 (2102) 12
Brass (AML); one end clenched into a triangle and the other broken off; d 2mm; surviving 1 350mm; w of frame 193mm.
Wire covered with silk
1455 BC72 3851 (89) 11
Brass wire including one piece with silver coating
(AML) covered with silk thread and coiled into spirals;
three fragments; d 0.2mm; longest piece 83mm.
196 U-shaped hairpin with twisted wire decoration, MoL acc.no. A1384 (1:1)
Podobne podstrony:
29 (295) tójsi t i fW&— P^ 1 l: . , I ^o 1 Wi.6<Ja SU*^, /^7Ą{U- f r^e /t. lXpoA^34 L.H.A. » 323*29,(T h, = 43*58.4 dip - -4.7 43*53,7 Dcc. = 19°34,9*N OP = +15.0* 1^ *29 (174) Hanging Plates Mury Engelbreii Enterprises, Im:., and LetsureArts.29 (312) Margareta Purpose: Edging Yarn: D.M.C. No. 30 Size: 5 cm. (2 in.) wide Abbreviations:trochuruchu 301 frames (0 dropped), 10.502s, Omsjitter, Oms disp, 612382 frame size, 183763Ktotal: 0m c+29+ +32 V-SHAPED COLLAR St /JF. t omplctcd coli ir mcimiro 14" utnund ncck ddhic. »:l lip O224 (64) 195 Mounts Octofoils — domed centre and domed lobes, with holes for separate, single rivetsIMG75id 323 P - współczynnik zależny od rozkładu momentów I i II rzędu ( “ TC2 /Cq 5.29. jScreen shot 13 02 08 at 59 29 hole" (stenope) through which he looks, limits, frames, and pers29 (195) Catcll L . A Guide to Mentol Fetting, London 1948. Oioynowski M . FUmenty tccni testów psyc29 (323) 4 *.fc GróGe 36/38MODELL 12 • BOLERO gegengleich arbeiten. R mit 2 Lm ais319 (29) 291Hair accessories Changes in hairstyles and headdress are very noticeable from the figura322 (32) 294 Dress Accessories Unthrown silk was bound round the wire in at least 11 examples (nos.54 (195) -2- FO 3434RE-29 for eacli subscqucnt level, cxccp( New OT V. There, he again must get a fu- 29 - 195. Wpływ zmian napięcia na długość *zy-cia^izolacji kondensatorów udarowych, Vlijaniewięcej podobnych podstron