• APF-35 p. 01
l. Se* the center front sous.
2* Sew the center back mjb- • Uav ln* the back open. 3* Hea the plackct ed*ea In the back.
♦. Sew the aide a«m ann hea the le*a.
5. Sew the crotch aeaa.--lurn.
>• Sew the back aide of the walet dowa--finlah w&th a saap.
1. Sew the aboulder aeaas--*l* *a* around the neck edc« and the aleewe ed*ca for flnlthln*.
2. Sew the aide ataaa.
3. Hea the bottoa ed*e of the ahlrt.
A. Tern back the facln* In the back and aew--sew snapa for faatenln*.
t. Hark the darta on the front of the jaeket.
2. Sew the ehoulder aeaaa.
3. Sew the collar--ollp the cornera--torn--preae and aew the aoutache brald on.
A. Sew the pocketa ln place, on the Jacket.
S. Sew the coffa to*ether--clIp the polnt--torn--preaa and tria wlth the eootache brald.
6. Sew the cuffa to the end of the aleeve--turn the back aide down and whlp atltch la place.
7. Pia the collar ln place--*!* aa* the ed*o of the racln* and pin It la place.
S. Sew the facia* front and cotUrdowa—ualn* a blaa piece la the back of the collar.
*. Hand aew the facln* aad the back of tho collar.
10. Sew the undonra a*aa»--turn.