fou will need an 18" \ S'/ " wooden plaquewith ounded onds and holes; primer; black. blue, dark jreen. green, red. white. and yellow acrylic paints; jaintbrushes. ■" flal brush; elear acrylic sealer; black Dermaner.; lirie-point pen; I yd of 7«"w red grosgrain ibbon; transfer paper: traeing paper; and Mary Engel bre ii Rower stickers.
I Read Prcparing to Paint and Painting. page 93. ?rlme wooden plaque.
2. Measure fri " around edges of plaque; mark with a pencil, Mark another linę 7«" from first. Mark off a
12" long rectangle withln the pencil marks.
3. Paint rectangle yellow and curved spaces on either end ol rectangle blue. Use fiat brush to paint evenly spaecd black and white checks around outside. Paint outside edge. siefes. and back green.
4. Enlargeword iwttem, page 47. 153% on photocopie:. Read Transferring Patterns, page 94. Tracę, then transfer pal tern to yellow rectangle; paint red. Freehand dark green vine around outside edge.
5. Outline all painted areas with perrnanent pen. Decorate sign with stickers
6 Apply sealer to sign Knot one end of ribbon. Thread through sign front to back; thread through rcmaining hole back to front. Knot other enrl of ribbon
You will need two M'/«" x 27" x 22'/«" 2-drawer potty-colorcd filmg cabinets; 24" x 79'//' door with inset panels: 24" x 7°'/" tempered głass; I "w black and white polka-do t ribbon,- primer: black. cream. dark green. dark pink. green. light green, orange. pink, white. and yellow acrylic paihts; paintbrushes; stencil brush: multi-surface crafl glue; elear acrylic sealer; black perrnanent fine-point pert; green card stock; transfer paper; traefng paper; and Mary Engelbreit stickers and flower punch-outs.
I Read Preparing to Paint and Painting. page 93 Prime filmg cabinets and door
2. Paint door and drawer fronts cream.- paint cabinets green.
3. Glue punch-outs and adhere stickers to drawer fronts. Apply sealer to file cabinets. Photocopy word patterns on page 4*3 on to green card stock: cut out and slip Into tabel slots on drawers.
4. Read Sizing Patterns. page 94. to enlarge flower paltem on page 42 and word patterns on page 47 aś desired to fit your door. Read Transferring Paltem; page 94. Tracę, then transfer word and flower patteiri to door.
5 Read Painting Designs. |>ages 93 -94. Paint word black Basecoat each flower dark pink and each centj yellow. Use stencil brush to sripple pink highlights ofi flower and orange shading in center. Add v/hite dot ej flower center. Basecoat ieaves dark green Stipple i highlights light green. Outline flowersand leaves witl perrnanent pen. Ughtly pencil a wavy linę for vine | between flowers. Transfer leaf patiem on page 43 to] accent vine as desired: paint vine and leaves green
6. Apply sealer to door. Glue ribbon around edge of door.
7. Arrange filing cabinets approximately 26" apart Place door on filing cabinets: place glass on door.
You will need a chair; green plald fabric; sl;pcover pattern; two I'! " dia. buttons from covered button kits; scrap of rose-colored fabric: '/: yd of V«"w greei ribbon: fabric doiły with lace flower design; coral. lig green. and yellow acrylic paints, paintbrushes; texti6 medium; freezer paper; and a hot glue gun,
I To make the doiły easier to paint on. iron freezer j paper to lho back. Mix textile medium and paint in l equal amounts before beginning. Paint flower desigr in lace coral. flower center yellow, and leaves light green. Set aside to diy.
2. Use slipcover pattern to sew slipcover. (Our slipcóver was madę with mock boxed pleats on cha back and 4'/." pleats on seat corners. Our chair bacf was wider at the top than the bottorn, so we left a 4 opening when sewing the chair back pieces togethd then pressed the raw edges '/i" to the wrong side a] topstitched each piece,!
3 Cover buttons with rosę fabric. Cut four 4" lengt of ribbon. Fold each In a loop; hot glue two loopstó the back of each button for leaves.
4. Place slipcover on chair: place doiły on chair bac To secure siipcover. sew one button through eadi.ś where seat: and back meet.