47 3131134a60

4. While running the engine at idle, observe the pump adjusting piąte carefully. Stop the engine the moment that the adjusting piąte (J) move$ out to its limit.
5. Measure:
« Gap
Out of specification-* Adjust.
Measure the gap with the thickness gauge between the raised boss (2) on the pump adjusting pulley and the adjusting piąte (T).
Minimum Pump Stroke:
0.20 — 0.25 mm tG.GOS- 0.010
?JOTE: _,_____
When inserting the thickness gauge between the adjusting piąte and the adjusting pulley, be care-ful so that neither the piąte nor the pulley is moved. In other words, do not force the thickness gauge into the gap.
6. Adjust:
©Autolube pump minimum stroke
Adjustment steps:
®Remove the locknut ©, spring washer (2) and adjusting piąte (3).
• Adjust the pump stroke by adding or remov-ing a shim(s) (4).
Add shim |
Pump stroke is increased. |
Remove shim |
Pump stroke is decreased. |
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