Ro» 4 (RS) "Kitog, p’tog. rep tron * tu oad—10 ata.
Rowc '-II: Gmt nK for 7 ro»v
Ru. li: 'Kitop rep from * co end— iau
Ru* U: PI, 'pi tup rep fruci * w
esd— i CU.
Ru* 14 SKiP Ile ufl.
IWWr (make $4)
BuWca arv uiadc acparatch and tK\l
oko backpronnd. Cm on 1 u.
Ru* 1 (K in limit. iben traci, ol at| Uńec. k in front of tarot »t agam to make i trt m one «. tom Ru*t I and I: Purl. tum.
Ro»-t Kmt. nim Ko. 5: Kito*, kl, ki U*.
Rcar 6: P)tn*.Tie nff latt u.
Lrefdnakc 36)
Motor* UaJ
Cert un 5 Ma.
Ro» I (RS) Ki. yn, k I. yo, ki—' etc.
Kow i aod <11 W S rowa Purl Ru» J: K3, tv. kl. yo, k)—0 eta.
Row i. K4, yo, ki. yo. L4 11 ttv Ru. 7: SSK. k7. kitojt—*> ata.
Row v SSK. ki. kito*—7 eu Ker. II: SSK. k3. kitów 5vu.
Row 13. SSK. kl. kito*—1 ««.
K« 15 SKiP UeoMUłtrt
Douhle-kmrred l»ul< (make 6)
Ort on 20 ua. Woik in gwict >t lot lirowe. Bind off li ctc. Scw- wam. ptkier and puli Odbiły at top edge *Ia>cn ooc largu coctoo bali. Gatber at tn*e ofbjll and ne cerorety. Rep (mm * ooct. tluycd tein 8 ata (ue frmgc. Cul asd mm fnr-je rrtnljr.
Banda (make li)
Cao on 11 cu Rsid nff lluc New
buda tt bace uf cacti ccAWai bali.
Foli diagram bekaw. >c. latjce. actull, hal(>Amtn and km to St « hlodn. Ile one bobbic to center ol laigei flower. Tic thrtc bobblcc or cathcr ci dc ol tloral atrangentent Woek Kem K at bace of bobblca. 'Sew (bur eounierpanc panele Intn a upaarr, and ne a liobłale to liae eentet of cacti Scw acjuate to
appltęued St K błock and hal: błocka: rep fruoi * until sil plewa are ton tog. lip siad hnttnm rJgr Wth WS faeuig and anulkt needłe. "pick up ii na alon* one cidc of enun-tupane panel. p»ck up 5$ att alisig other eiik of counccrpaac point; rep froen * tunce morę -33© tu
Counterpane Floral Placement Diagram