Sluring Chain: Multiplw of 6 st= -i 3.
1st row (wronę sids): Work Tao into 2nć ch from licok. 1 sc nto each oh to efićf, !urn,
2rtd row: 3ch (co»m0.S 1dc), skipfirsi sc, ido nto next sc. *ich. skip ■ =c. Itóe into each of next 2sc; rep Icotr.' ro end, tym.
3rd row: 5ch (oount as ' do. 2cn). 1sc ir.ro 00x1 cb sp. •'Ich, 1SC -to next cli Sp: rep from * to Jasi 2 sis. 2ch. Idc into 3rd oi 3ch a: 039 ot prevlous rew. :urn.
4 Ul rów: ton. Isc iritO lirst dc. ‘worfc bdc lilio nsxt 'Ich sp, isc into nexr ach sp; rep frcm * to er.c plucing l3St sc :nto 3rc of 5ch at beg of previous row. Fasten off.
3 bylinę Chain: Mul lipie o: 6 sts -*• 3 Spccial Ahbrevlatior.
=:cot - make 3ch, sl st into 3rc ch from Jyook.
•5t row (wrorig sidej: Work 1sc into 2nri ch Ircm hock. isc irtlo •sch ch ic finc, '.urn.
md row; 5ch (coynt as lac. 2ęh), skip rirsl 3sc. isr. ir.tc nexi sc. - erk 3 pionts, 1sc into r.e« sc.- *5cli. skip 4sc. i cc into next sc, *oK 3 picats. Isc into naxf sc: rep frcm ’ lo test 3sc, Zcfi. 1dc ■c łasi sc. turn
Ird row: Ich, "cc into tiret tic, ’3cń. Iscinto ncxl 5ch aren: rep •■cm * to ord placinc !gsl cc into 3rc of 5CH at bag of preiricus z a, turn.
-Kh row; 1ch. isc Into iirst sc.' I isc Into r-ext Sch ruch. 1uc into sc: rep Irpui - to erd. Faslsii off.
2) =Picot
Sturting chain: Multiple of 16 sts i 2.
Speclal Abbreviation
Bobble-work 4lrińto arch unti' 1 toopol each remninscn liock. yo and threugh at! 5 loeps on hock
t st row (w.-ong stfs): Werk * sc into 2nd ęh front nook, Isc into each ch to cod. lum.
2rtd row: ich. isc inló iirst sc. 'Sch. s‘<ip 3-sc. 1sc into next sc: rep from ' to e.nd. turn.
3rdrov/: "eh, Isc Into lirst sc. ich. 1sc. nto iirst sp. ‘2ch. iscmly next sp: rsp from * lo las: sc. ‘ch, i$c into las: sc. turn.
4th row: Sch (ccunt as idc. 3ch). skip lirst Sc. 1sc into next sc. 3sc into •'10x13ch sp. 1 sc into ncxl sc. 'Sch. Isc into <>Oxi sc. 3sc into iioxl 3ch sp. tsc into r:oxf sc: rep front * tc last sc. 3ch. tdc into last sc. mm,
5th row: 1ch. isc into lirst cc ‘ich wo* 1 bc-bble into nexl 6ch arch. into same arch as Sa$l bcfcfcta v/ork [3Ch, 1 bob be] twios, 4ch, 1$c into nexi Sch archi; rep Iroin * to end pJscing tast sc into 3rd ol Och at Pag of prcvicus row. turn.
6th row: 7ch (ccu-nt as Kr. 3ch). *work 1 bsbWć into nex: icti arch. 3ch. ii hcbbto into r.axt 3ch arch, 3cłi] twice. 1 bahfce mro next 4ch arch. 3ch. 1*r Into r;ext sc. 3ch: ren from * to enć Omifiing 3ch st snd of last rep. turn.
7th row: ich. 1sc into lirst tr, Ich. [isc into next arch,3ch] lwica. 4dc into next arcli. ’3ch. [isc into nexl arch. 2ch] i tirr.fi;., 4dc ihlo cmi 3rch; rep from * to last 2 arches, [Sch. 1 SC into rext arch] Wjice. 1ctl. 1 sc into i-n oi /Ch a\ bag ot previcus row. turn.
Bth row: Ich Isc ntc firsi sc, 3ch, |isc into nex: ach a»ch. 3ch] twice, skip 1dc. 1dc eto each cf next 2dc, *3cft. [isc into next areń. 2cnj 5 trriGS. Skro Tdc, fdc into each of nexl 2dc; rsp from * to last 2 3ch arches, 3ch. [Isc into ncxl a-ch. Sch] tv.'ice. Isc into last SC. turn.
&th row:: ch. 1 sc into iirst SC.work 3sc into eaclioi next 3 archos. " Sc in:o next cc, 3ch. 1sc into rtoxi dc. *3sc ir.to cuch or nsxt 6 arches, 1ŚC into next cc, 3óft. 1 sc Ir.to next cc: rep from * to last 3 arches. 3scinto each of last 3 arches. isc into last sc. Faston