80 (30)

80 (30)





5.    Enlarge pattern, page 81, 111% on photocopier. Using pattern, cut two 14" lengths and two 18" lengths of fuchsia felt. Cut two 14" and two 18" lengths

of ribbon.

6.    Glue felt lengths over topstitched edges of center rectangle. Glue ribbon to felt, cutting ends diagonally to meet at comers.

7.    Insert pillow form through back opening.

Flower Pillow

Yardages are based on 44/45V fabric.

You will need yd blue fabric. 7* yd pink stripe fabric. PA yds white rickrack. scraps of fuchsia and green felt, three W dia. yellow buttons, 16" x 12" pillow form, yellow embroidery floss, fabric glue, and freezer paper.

Malcfi right sides and use a 'A" seam alłowance for all sewing unless otherwise indicated.

1.    Cut a 17" x 13” piece of blue fabric for pillow front and two 11" x 13" pieces for pillow back.

2.    Press one long edge of each back piece 'A" to wrong side twice; topstitch to secure.

3.    Beginning and ending at a corner, baste rickrack to edges of pillow front.

4.    For ruffle, cut four 6" x 34" strips from pink stripe fabric. Follow Steps 6 and 7 of Checkerboard Pillow, page 79, to make ruffle and baste to pillow.

5.    Matching raw edges, sew back pieces to front with finished edges overlapping at center. Clip corners and turn pillow right side out; press.

6.    Enlarge smali flower and leaf patterns, page 81. 200% on photocopier. Follow Step I of Lounge Cover, page 78, to make three flower and leaf sets. Glue leaves to back of flowers. Knotting floss and leaving '/?" tails on the top of each button, sew a button through center of each flower to pillow front with yellow floss.

7.    Insert pillow form through back opening.

Framed Art

Yardages are based on 44/45'1'w fabric.

You will need a 14" x 18" white picture frame. 14" x 18" mat with 8" x 10" oval opening. 'A yd plaid fabric, 'A yd pink polka-dot fabric.

17A yds pink rickrack, I yd of 'A"w yellow trim, scraps of fuchsia and green felt, four 7<" dia. yellow buttons, yellow embroidery floss, spray adhesive, cardboard. fabric glue, hot glue gun, and a Mary Engelbreit greeting card.

1.    Cut a 14" x 18" piece of cardboard, pink fabric. anc plaid fabric. Use spray adhesive to adhere pink fabric to cardboard.

2.    Place mat on wrong side of plaid fabric. Tracę ovai opening with a pencil; cut out 1" inside pencil mark. Use spray adhesive to adhere plaid fabric to mat. Clip curves as needed and wrap fabric to inside of oval: hot glue in place.

3.    Use fabric glue to adhere trim around edge of oval

4.    Stack cardboard under mat so that pink fabric shows through oval. Use spray adhesive to adhere ' greeting card in center of oval on pink fabric.

5.    Hot glue pink rickrack around frame. Enlarge smali flower and leaf patterns, page 81. 200% on photocopier. Follow Step l of Lounge Cover. page 78, to make four smali flower and leaf sets.

Use fabric glue to adhere leaves to backs of flowers. Knotting floss and leaving 'A" tails on the top of each button, sew a button to the center of each flower with yellow floss. Hot glue one flower and leaf set to each corner of frame.

6.    Insert mat and cardboard into back opening of frame

Window Cling

You will need wax paper; blue. dark blue, dark greer. green, light green, orange, red. transparent blue, transparent rosę, white, and yellow glass paints; paintbrushes; black liquid leading paint; tracing papę' and tape.

1.    Enlarge pattern, page 81, 200% on photocopier. Tracę pattern onto tracing paper. With right side toward paper, tape pattern behind wax paper with waxy side up.

2.    Apply leading to wax paper, drawing over pattern lines; allow to dry overnight.

3.    Fili in the leaded areas with glass paint. Make surę paint connects to leading lines; use a liner brush if needed. Mix colors as desired for shading and highlighting. Allow paint to dry. Add transparent blue zigzag lines on front of vase; allow to dry.

4.    Carefully peel design from wax paper. On back of vase, add red zigzag lines; allow to dry.

5.    Press the cling to a glass surface. Wet the back of the painted design for better adhesion.



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