r e e n
♦ Cut the canvas, allowing a border of 5 cm (2 in). Bind the edges - see Canvas, page 138.
♦ Outline the size and shape of the design with a waterproof indelible marker, then draw central horizontal and vertical lines. The design’s center point is where these lines cross.
♦ Spray paint the canvas green to unify any color showing through.
♦ This original design is a variation of traditional Florentine canvaswork. The first row establishes the pattern with subseąuent rows following. Upon reaching the center of each medallion, the design reverses as a mirror image.
♦ The stitch chart shows the basie design for this cushion and should be repeated as necessary. This pattern can be adjusted to suit any size or shape.
♦ Always begin at the center of the canvas, working in both directions until an entire horizontal row of pattern has been established. Complete the lower half first, then reverse the canvas to complete the upper half.
♦ For instructions, see Stitching, page 138.
♦ Use Madeira Silk and Madeira Metallic doubled.
♦ For instructions see Finishing, page 139.
Madeira Silk
CD 1711 1712 » 0511 ® 0811 1705 1204 W 1312
2113 CD 1510
Madeira Metallic
CD 9803/3004