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7ht J.A.P. froridti an (ffUicnt nUrm, -uith t«m<my in oil.
P)R years. Motor-Cycle builders havc becn sceking an efficient automatic system of lubrication for motor-cycle engines. Many altempts Iiave l>een madę to accomplish this by aid of an oil pump, willi linie success.
We hwc ourselves mide a number of w ich pump*, tested many olhers, and madę many experiments over several years, but long a to concltided these pumps could only partly mect the requircmc:its. Many of lli.-sc pumps mercly act as hyc passes. ihe oil bcing sucked inio the engins by the partia! vacuum in the crankcasc.
Since the speed of working such pumps is ncccssarily high and the ainomil of oil to bc delivcrcd comparatieely minutę, it is impossiblc to providc a suflicicntly finc adjustment. that will no*, be impaired by slighł wear on the moving paru. This is, in sonie mcasurc. overcome by usc of a sight-feed regulatcd by a nccdle valve.
The main fact i* usually lost sight of, namely, an air-cooled engine requircs an oil supply. not gradually inereasing in pro|iortion to speed or load. but a grcatly accelcratcd supply as the load an;l speed incrcase'. (.Src Diagram'.
No oil pump can accomplish this. and in consc<|iicncc. if the delirery i* cut down for norma! working. the)* fail to deliver suflicient oil at bigger loa«U, or if adjusted to <lclivcr correctly at heavy load*. an csccess will l>e deltrered at nornul running. with the attendant troubles of excessive consumption. oily sparking-plugs and dirty engines.
In introducing the new J.A.P. pump and lubricator we offer a Itw sjslta o5 Ukialion