B\ Gisela Maier


20 1/2" in diameier.


Glossy quality crochet cotton (or use fil d'Ecosse) size 20, white, about 450 vds. Sieci crochet hook US size 8 (1.25 mm) or SIZE FOR GAUGE.


First 3 rounds measure 1 3/4" in diameter.


The mat is worked with long sts throughout. Long dc: yo. insert hook in corresp st, yo and puli up Ip, yo and draw thru only one Ip on hook, then (yo and

draw thru 2 lps on hook) twice. For other long sls (Ir, quad tr), proceed as established: that is, first draw thru only 1 Ip on hook, then yo and work off lps on hook 2 by 2. Correct size will be obtained only ifyou use this dc variant.


Long quadruple triple crochet <quad tr>: yo 5 limes, puli up Ip in st, yo and draw thru I ip on hook, yo and work off lps on hook 2 by 2. Two-long quad Ir cluster <cl>:

leaving last lp of each st on hook, work 1 long quad tr in each of 2 ch lps, yo and draw diru al! 3 lps on hook. 2(3)-long dc cl: same cluster principle as 2-long quad tr cl but work 1 long dc in each of 2(3) sts below, yo and draw thru all 3(4) lps on hook. 3-long dc bobble cluster <Bcl>:    same as 3-long

dc cl but work all 3 dc in same st below. Correct size will be obtained only if you use these st variants.


Ch 9 and join with sl st in first ch to form ring. RND 1: Ch 1, in beg ring work 12 sc; join with sl st in first sc. RNDS 2-3: Repiacing first dc with 3 ch, work following pat diagram (notę: ch 1 at beg of rnds starting with sc does not count as first sc). On md 2, join with sl st in top of ch-3 and cont with sl st in next ch st. On md 3. replace last 2 ch sts with 1 hdc worked in first sc. RND 4: Repiacing first "incom-plete" long quad tr with 7 ch. work * 2-long quad tr cl. 11 ch. rep from times morę: join with sl st in top of first cl. RNDS 5-6: Work following pat diagram: at end of md 6, cut thread. RNDS 7-23: RS facing. altach thread in ch-7 Ip of rnd 7 to which white wedge points. Up to md 13, form petals with long dc and 2-long dc then 3-long dc cis (refer to "additional sts"). As of md 13, work 3-long dc Bcls. On md 23, across 17-long dc gips and ch lps below work * I ch and I sl st*

; join this md with in first ch at beg of rnd and fasten off (= black wedge).


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