DSC01135 (3)

DSC01135 (3)

Troubtethooting and FauH Information

The AC dnve has a compreh*ns<‘*e fay* ó&gnom mrater- tm r cl*mmm Mmm. alarms and fauli nmsage Once a faul *s ó**m3*c. Ht sonsmii*® Mfta^--i*racrs

wili be actwnted to shui down tto AC drhai ou&ut 8nwd# rt f* rmautawk tar* fauli shown on the AC dr:*e dtgto- reypBtS Ahar fajf: *«» aa amaroit wwtót t*

Run/Siop key to stop modę to resel the drwa

Fauli Display Alarm LED lighten after power on

Alarm LED fiashes once in every two seconds

Faun    ' " “

Hardware fa^ire Iuh :    tacm ■f!7Wi the ar^emcr im?

2 Cne::* *Ha*!hr He -*asr ruout

The AC drtwe detects an abnom-ia sncrBase

in current (Over-curren!)

sT^sssrirnas c r* aj arn« aycut


2 J.ne:> h* * rrę oem$dlcr :sr#em He ~ Z :rvt- arc h:*x tx rcssoe srcr.


a C;ne:> trr rtossfce >er cadrę

zoririttOTS ar He matur    _

Alarm LED fiashes lwice in every two seconds (Over-vo!tage)

The AC crrve detects that He DC-BUS voHage has exoeedec fts maxśmum aliowable vaUe

1    Oieoł »nens* He nxi: >c>t3fgerals

■ ne. na®c -2 D"i«e rcu.r «aiaęj8r. 2. 2-ner> ?:r possać- >ote©? rarseRfis

2    Bus :v~~- «oftace .ma* :e omseśhdct "Bgensisfem rera®* re acDBł/dBce Jfese.

Alarm LED flash thrice in every two seconds t (Overtoad)

Motor overioad

' 2;neoi far rosscne “der i>«rj©ac 2 tó js£ terowe astBcrer sa®re rr re CIP

2    -:: a* a»xpOT«fie setótrc

2. hs?Base He A 2; Dn*es cl mir: rjptfe-H.

Alarm LED fiashes four times in every two seconds (Over~heating)

The AC drive temperatur© sensor detects excessive heat.

' E-sjw na: os arog

fale Hi: ne    *s

2 MaS* s-re Hat nr ..ern^cr cl8S if

i    ***¥ w *****


Alarm LED fiashes five times in every two seconds (Low voltage)

The AC dnve detects that the DC Bus Voltage has failen beiow rts minimum. vaiue

Cheo    Hf rpu -otasj*- tarts

He -srsc AC rou: ,o&ag*.


Alarm LED fiashes

Change DiP SW whiie dnve is runmng

Sn' uh He    v^’ c i?C^

-ese; He AC


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