DSC01134 (3)

DSC01134 (3)


Maintenaoce and inspections

Modern AC drives are based on sc*k1 State etectoom > technofcHjy pmyimtiy* miitnienanc*

is required to operate this AC dme >n *& opbmał OCttdittor*, and to enaurt a kv>g fe$* ł| & recommended to perform a montNy check up of th# AC dnv« by a ouatrfM imhtecter) Before the check up, aśways twrr on the AC topui Power to IN» unrt Wikt M 2 fntotM afte?- aii display iamps have gon® out. and to**> conf?mr toat the capnatc#* bnvn futty discharged

Jroubtoshocting and Faułt Mfc

' he AC dnve fta$ a corrprebensi a*arm$ and fouft message. Once a® acftvafed to shut down the ^t*ż! shown on the AC drive digite Run-Stap key to stop modę to re<

Peńodic Inspecttorr.

Basrc check up rtems to detect if there were «ny abnonna? ,ty dupog the operatom.

1.    Whether the motors are operafcng as expected

2.    Whether the instałiation environment ts abnonrnaJ

3.    Whether the oooHng system is operatmg as expected

4    Whether any irreguiar vi#B$ort or sound occumed duhng the opemfeon

5    Whether the mctors are overheated dunng the operatem

6. Always check the input yołtage of the AC dnve wito Voftm®ter.

faułtttispia y Aiarro LED' ftghiiń aiffór "1 pcwer on

Alarm LED ftashes once every rwo seconds



The Ai detect: abnorr in cum (Over-«

Peńodic Maintenaoce:

It is necessary to stop the motor operatioo durtog the check up

1.    Tighten and reinforce the screws of the AC dnve if necessary. eause U may ioose due to the vibratron or changśng of temperatures.

2.    Whether the conductors or insułators were corroded and damaged.

3.    Check the resistance of the insutation wtto Megaohmeter.

4.    Often check and change the capacttors and reteys.    .

5.    If use of the AC drtve is disoontinued for a k>ng period of time. tum the power on a*

once every two years and confirm that ;t stH funebons pnoperty. To oonfirm toncte-^— dtsconnect the motor and energize the AC dhve for 5 hours or morę betom altem*** -to run a motor with ii.    % Mtti#

6 Ciean off any dust and dirt with a vacuum cieaner Place spectal amphasis on v ^ the ventitation ports and PCBs. Always keep these areas tiean. as adhereoee '• and dirt can cause unforeseen fatlures.

Fuse and Fuse Breaker (NFB) Speoficattons,

Aiarm LED fias.hes twice ;n ever\' two seconds (Qvef‘VOitage}

The AC detects DC-BU. has exc maximti aliowab

Aia-m? LED flash thhce in

every two seconds (Overfoad)

Motor o\

Aiarm LED fiashes four

The AC c

t?mes m ev»ry two    temperat

seoonds    sensor d<

(Over-heating)    excesstv<


Ampere Ratirp {A Manufaciurer .Reference'

40W 115V


Busmann - J.A--6 300V .....

40W 230V

3.0 A

Busmanr - JJN-3 33yV.....

100W 115V


Bssmann - JjN-10 300,V.....u

100W 230V

6 0A

Bssmarn - JJN-6 300V.....

The AC di detects th. DC Bus V) has fallen its minimu

Alarm LED ffashes f?ve times r every ^vo seconds i L o w vctftage}

Change Di Aianrł LED fl-ashes    whjle dn've



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