Thrrc is no ,mimal rr*crvoir «»r Mn.jJIpox .»nj rv> łon*;* crm hum.m canrtcr siatę Thus rhe virm mu»i cotv jnuously fmm ro htim.m to *urvivr H km nr tan* peeulme ih ir ir cmerged tetmctime .itter the lim i^tkul-unii 5cuicmcm>» ahout 10.000 i* -r' fiu* lim crrr.un cvi-lence of im.illpox in ihc uncient worki cotnc% from nummiłicd remami of ihc ISih l-^ypri in dynaity itl] 150 IH*:) and i>i the belfer kn».wn Rannej V (1157 »Vrittcn deu ription* ot the dni not appear until fhe
|th ccntury AP in China* and the lCth eentury in ^Mith* teMcrn A5ia.u