DSC08273 (2)

DSC08273 (2)


Fłg. 3.13. Characters of the Elasmobranchii. A. generał aspect of a Recent shatk (Squalus\ aboot x0.l); B, sagittsł section throogh tbe braincase (section of caitilage hatched); C. bnincase in dorsai view; D. branehial skeleton in dorsai view (vcnirat element* in btack); E, vcr(ical section through a mtebn with caicified centrum (arcuaiia sóppłed); F, lcfl nasal openmgs of Sąttahts in rami view; G, right orbita! cmrity of Sgualust tbowiog dx eye-staJJe: H. oryanization of tbe placoid scaies »■ the skin of »Matmohnrli. showing the pulp carity m the scalę crown by transparency (aboot x20); I, ponion of tbe lower jaw of a stok in Ubrał view, showing the devck>ping and fonctional teeth. 1. spinele; 2, giif dla; 3. anterioc footaoeUe; 4. vestral fleaore; 5, eodołyiiąjtoir. fosa; 6. omal capsnłc; 7, postorfritalproccss;8, occtpitalcońdyles: 9. pceterioriy diitcted bypobranchials; 10. ccratobnmchial; 11. cptbrnactol;

12, pharyngnbraachial; 13. basibraachial copnla; 14, basidorsal; 15, basiYcntral; 16, centrom; 17. Mterkr nostńl; 18. |wmii°t»^»t 19. skin fltp (ale nasalis); 20. eye-stałk; 21, sesje crown; 22, scalę root; 23, pulp cavity; 24, functional tooth; 25. dewlopreg tooth.

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