essentÊrving 08

essentÊrving 08


I should like co thank my many past and present students, friends and colleagues who have encouraged me and who have knowingly and unknowingly concributed materiaÅ‚ for the photographs. Particular thanks are due co Hugh Annesley, Norman Barback, Susan Harrison, Lisa Higgo, Jamie McCarthy, Janet Monks, Percival Morgan and Leslie Pollard for ailowing camng in progress and finished work to be photographed when they knew I might criticize it. Howard Spiers has been especiaUy generous in this. As far as possiblc I have attributed work photographed to its maker. I should also like to thank Gillian Maddison for her great help with the chapter on lettering and Philip Surey for drawing the sample alphabet. My gratitude also goes co Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper who puc the idea of this book in my mind years ago, encouraged me and unstintingly gavc both timc and advicc about the writing. I should also like to thank the staflf of GMC Publications for their pacience, help and unfailing courtesy. Finally, I am most grateful to my wife Frances, not only for putting up with the writing for threc years and for cyping most of it for me, bur also for her unflagging good humour and support.


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