


Outer apex

out towards thc serifs. It is very difficult co get this effect without making thc lettcrs square. The serifs on thc ends of curves should be kept smali.

The tails of R and K can be treated variously. If they terminate on the linÄ™ in a serif they can look very heavy. If they curl up and rest just on the linÄ™ they can look inadcquately supported and also make a large gap if followed by a lettcr which slopes away, like A or M. When you have experience you may join this taiÅ‚ with the serif of the following lettcr or even boldly cross its stroke. A good solution is to drop the taiÅ‚ of the R or K below the linÄ™, thus being able co reduce the gap between the letters. With rhese letters it is essential that they look as if they are neither falling over baekwards nor kicking the following letter.

The taił of J is best taken below the linę. You may end it with a serif or let it taper gracefully.

W and U are difficult, as the Romans did not use them. U appeared as a Capital in the Middle



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