Night and Day Ink 2 Seduced by Days Milly Taiden

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Published By
Latin Goddess Press
New York, NY 10456
Sinfully Naughty Vol. 1
Copyright © 2013 by Milly Taiden
Cover by Willsin Rowe
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except
in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Property of Milly Taiden 2014
Chapter One
Stephanie stared longingly at the two suited men walking away from her. She needed to get
laid. Like yesterday. For the past year, working for Night and Day Ink, her hormones had been in an
uproar for the  Wonder Twins aka Bryan and Brent Day her boss, Royce Night s partners. With
their cropped, dark hair in those spiky cuts, their orgasm-inducing smiles, and oh boy, the piercings, it
was no wonder women had a hard time talking to them. They were the regular cover models for their
catalogue with tattoos and silver adorning their bodies. And those bodies could make a desert wet.
She loved working for the large corporation. They owned the most expensive and talented tattoo
shops all over the United States. What she didn t appreciate was going home sexually frustrated,
Thank God she d quickly learned her lesson. First rule of working for top management: don t
fall in lust. Well, don t make it obvious you re in lust with those two sexy bastards you d get on all
fours for and let spank you. There went her dirty mind giving her all kinds of mental movies of the
wonder twins playing rough with her.
Mind so lost in her world of fantasies and BDSM, she jumped at the sound of her name.
She whirled around from the distant view of Bryan and Brent to glance at her boss. Royce had
that serious  what the fuck are you doing staring into space look on his face. Dammit. That was the
second time he d caught her daydreaming. A small smile tugged at his lips, and she relaxed. He was
certainly handsome in a rough and rugged sort of way. Which was what her friend, Kiara, went gaga
Stephanie preferred her men spiky-haired, tattooed, pierced, and in doubles, please.
 Yes, Royce? She forced herself to glance away from the lingering cologne B. and B. had
left behind to fully face her boss.
 Here s an invitation to a Halloween party we re hosting for our employees, he said,
handing her a pumpkin colored envelope.
 A party? That was new. They d never had an actual party. Usually it was quiet dinners for
the company catered in some upscale restaurant, and everyone got their bonus at the end of the night.
And that only happened during the holidays.
She shrugged a strand of short, stray hair behind her ear, watching Royce s smile widen.
 Yes, a party. But I won t be there.
 Well, then, why should I go?
 Because it will be fun. There will be a costume contest, and it s going to be in a large
mansion Bryan and Brent own which people say is haunted.
Excitement spiked inside her.  A haunted mansion?
 Yes. He turned to leave, but stopped mid-stride.  There s just one thing. He faced her
again.  No going near the east wing of the house.
 Why not?
His face lost all traces of the smile.  Those are the private quarters of Bryan and Brent when
they reside there. It will be blocked off, but I m letting you know in advance.
Right. She wanted to ask why he was telling her, but decided against it. Her mind filled at the
prospect of visiting an actual haunted house and dressing up for the party.
 No worries. I ll stay away.
 Alright then. You have fun.
 And what will you be doing while we re being haunted during this party? She laughed.
 I ll be getting my mate.
She didn t get a chance to ask anything else because he headed for his office at that point.
Mate? Probably a friend from out of town. A lot of people referred to their friends as their mates.
* * *
 Are you mentally here again? Bryan asked Royce, watching his friend s eyes blaze from the
animal inside. Though they d known Royce since childhood, it was still strange to see his eyes glow
when he was excited or angry.
 Yes. She rushed out of the elevator, and I came back.
Bryan s mind was wrapped around a spunky, short, curvy woman he and his twin had the hots
for. Sharing women was normal practice, and when they met Stephanie, they knew they wanted her.
She was beautiful with her sparkling hazel eyes and full lips on all that golden skin. Not to mention
her body was full of the kind of curves he and Brent loved. Their sexy employee had wide hips he
could really hold on to while pushing deep into her pussy. And breasts he d been dying to fondle and
 And Stephanie? Brent asked.
 I gave her the invitation and told her to stay away from the east wing.
Bryan glanced at his brother. Stephanie had never been anything but professional, so they d
had no clue if she would go for something with both brothers. They placed all their hopes in Royce,
and when he overheard them talking about how hot Stephanie was, he mentioned she had the hots for
Bryan and Brent. At first, they d been skeptical, but he said he could tell she was aroused around
them. He then went on to add he didn t appreciate having to work with her when she kept giving off
the scent of a woman in need because of them two.
Brent and Bryan had been surprised but happy to hear that. They d been trying to figure out for
weeks how to approach her. Royce s advice had been to use her curiosity to bring her to them.
 I m not sure about this. Brent wasn t concerned Stephanie would reject them, but more of
them making her uncomfortable. They wanted more than a single night of hot sex with her. Something
about her drew them. Bryan wasn t sure if it was her eyes and that zest for life they always saw in
them, or maybe the wicked smiles she gave whenever something funny was said. All he knew was
that neither he nor Brent had been able to stop thinking about her. And they were at a point they d do
anything to let her see that a relationship with them would mean twice the pleasure for her.
 Stop thinking so hard. Royce ordered.  You want her. She wants you both. Make your
He was right. They wouldn t know until they tried. Though Bryan sensed Brent s concern, he
tried to pacify his discomfort with his own peace. They were unique twins. Sharing links of pain and
pleasure. When one hurt, the other did too. It s why they needed a special woman to handle them both.
But they couldn t just have anyone. Stephanie with her sexy smile and kissable soft skin was the
woman they wanted.
 You re right. Bryan nodded. He glanced at Brent with determination.  She s ours.
Chapter Two
 Hey! Stephanie smiled and waved at her friend, Kiara, and the sexy Red Riding Hood
costume she had on.  You look super hot, chica.
Kiara s eyes widened as she took in Steph s itty bitty, belly dancer costume.  Not as hot as
you. Wow. Will that thing hold up? She asked, staring at the rhinestone covered bra.
 Yep. I ve worn this a bunch of times. And she had. She d stopped feeling self-conscious of
her curves and extra weight years ago. Now, she embraced her figure. Plus, she was what her family
called a full-figured woman. Her weight was distributed evenly, and she ended up looking curvy, but
could still pull off sexy.
 I didn t realize this place would be so packed, Kiara yelled over the loud music.
 I know. I ve been here for like five minutes, and I have to tell you, if it wasn t for the fact
this is a haunted house I d head right back out that door.
Kiara nodded and fanned herself.  I need something to drink. Want anything?
Steph shook her head.  No, I m going to go check out the east wing.
 Why? What s there?
 According to what Royce said, nothing, but it shouldn t be crowded since it s blocked off.
 Oh. I ll see you in a bit? Kiara asked.
 Yeah, I ll just be a few minutes. I ll be back before you make it across the hall. The bar s on
the other end, and you ll need to get through all those people, she pointed at the sea of bodies,
 before you can get there. And then do it again to come back.
 Aw, shit. Kiara groaned.  I guess I ll see you in an hour.
Steph giggled.  I ll be back by then.
They separated. Kiara headed right, while Steph went left. A red velvet rope with a private
sign blocked the hallway to the east wing.
She wasn t planning on snooping, really she wasn t. But it was hot in the main salon, and she
really wanted to know if there were ghosts in that house. Plus, how could she pass up the chance at
seeing the wonder twins s private quarters. That was like dangling one of their undies in her face and
expecting her to ignore it. Like hell.
She unclipped the red velvet chain from one side and made her way to the other as if she
owned the place. If she got caught, she would act like she was lost. After all, it was a huge damn
Excitement buzzed in her veins. The lights in that side of the house were dimmed low. She had
to squint to continue on her way. Further and further, until she reached a large wooden set of double-
doors. She was definitely going to get in trouble. Oh well. With her excuse of getting lost looking for
a bathroom at the tip of her tongue, she opened the doors and walked inside. Her breath caught.
 Oh, my God.
She moved forward into the room, looking at the empty stage with excitement. With a dramatic
bow, she glanced down at the assembled empty chairs.
 This would make a great place for my class to perform at. She thought out loud.
Her interest was beyond piqued now. She hopped off the stage and toward a side door.
Another room. Having found the previous one empty, she was caught off guard to see a large Jacuzzi
and two men about to get inside. Two men she knew very well. Bryan and Brent, naked as the day
they were born, stood by the heated tub watching her intently.
 Dios mio!
My God was right. Now she d gone and done it. She wanted to a take a peek into their private
lives, and she got a whole big peek at their private parts. Talk about a Halloween miracle.
Bryan s brows shot up.  Stephanie?
Her throat went dry. Those bodies. Her pussy went instantly slick. Forget lube when they
were the vision in front of her.
 I& I&  Really wanna get in the tub with you guys.  Got lost.
 Did you, now? Brent s grin was filled with mischief.
Okay, Steph. Just don t look down at their cocks. Don t. Look. Down.
Fucking hell. She looked. Her gaze smoothly made a trail down their fully tattooed upper
bodies, down to the muscled abs and straight to the large cocks. She frowned. What the hell was up
with their penises?
Bryan laughed.  Excuse me?
Her vision snapped up to his face. His very handsome face. A face she wanted to bite and
scratch and possibly even sit on if he ever let her. With those dark eyes and the multiple piercings,
she almost groaned. Ears pierced, chin pierced, and eyebrow pierced. Shit! Even their nipples were
 What? She so wanted to glance down at his cock again. At both of their cocks. There was
something strange going on with them.
 You said what the hell is up with our penises. Brent chuckled.
Damn. She d said that out loud.  I m sorry, it s just that there s something on them that
reflected the light.
The men eyed each other and laughed.
Brent lifted a hand and summoned her with the crook of a finger.  Come closer and see for
She tried not to rush forward with her curiosity, but it was kind of hard when she d been dying
to get her hands on them.
 Do you guys, she glanced at their faces and then back down at their growing hard-ons.  Do
you need me to go?
Please say no.
Another step, and she closed the distance. Lust pooled at her pussy, turning her all kinds of hot
and bothered at the sight of their muscled, inked bodies.
Brent, whom she knew because he kept the smooth facial features where Bryan loved having
the scruffy look, licked his lips. Her gaze dropped down. Once again taking in the large rods of their
cocks. She finally realized what it was about them that looked strange.
 Are those piercings? She asked, her voice had gone completely husky.
Steph glanced up to meet Bryan s gaze. He eyed her boldly. With enough heat in his gaze she
felt her nipples pebble under her sequined bra.
 They are.
Holy mother of orgasms, she had to touch that. She had to know what that felt like inside,
rubbing her walls and making her come.
She stopped in front of both men. A self-assured smile split her lips. She knew what she
 Those have to be the sexiest things I ve ever seen.
They separated. Bryan went around her back, while Brent came forward. He slowly trailed a
hand up her belly, to cup her large breasts. A low hiss sounded from his lips.  You are so fucking
Steph stared at him, watching the passion flare bright in his eyes. A gasp lodged in her throat.
Bryan pushed her long curls to the side, exposing the curve of her shoulder, nuzzling his lips over her
flesh. She shut her eyes and moaned. His cool lips sucked on the back of her neck.
She attempted to suck some air into her lungs, but Brent s lips latched on to hers. Her thoughts
disintegrated to nothing. He kissed her, driving his tongue into her mouth, and she realized something
then. He had a tongue ring. Oh, hell yes!
Chapter Three
He rubbed her tongue with his, circling and massaging the tiny metal ball over her. Passion
rose to a feverish pitch in her blood. Beads of perspiration started to gather on her skin. She was so
hot. Scorching. She wanted to rip off her flimsy costume.
She tore her lips away from Brent and moaned. His hands were busy tugging at her bra,
leaving her breasts exposed to the warm air circling the room. Before she got a chance to take a
breath, his mouth was on her nipple, sucking deep and hard. He rubbed that tiny metal ball over the
tight little bud, shooting sparks of ecstasy down to her pussy.
 Oh, God, Brent& 
The pleasure didn t end there. While he licked and sucked one nipple, then the next, Bryan
tugged at her skirt. She dug her nails deep into Brent s biceps, using him to stay up on her shaky legs.
Material drifted down her knees, pooling at the floor. Heat from her slick folds dripped down her
thighs. Bryan rubbed his cock between her cheeks, gripping her wide hips with his large hands. Her
body vibrated with the need to get fucked.
She was unable to process anything but the arousal gathering tight in her core. Brent squeezed
at her tits, hard, massaging the tender flesh with practiced ease. She squirmed between the two,
loving the feel of both firm bodies surrounding her.
 Stephanie, Bryan s low voice shoved her toward orgasm readiness in nanoseconds.  We ve
wanted you for so long, darling.
Oh, those words. Calling her darling. Telling her they wanted her. The two sexiest men alive
wanted her. She almost came on the spot.
 I&  She groaned when Brent pinched her nipples.  I want you both.
Things blurred then. They moved her toward the large Jacuzzi. Water bubbled and popped
with the low hum of the motor.
Brent motioned for her to sit on the edge. There were condoms there. Multiple packets of the
dark foil told her they were more than ready. He kneeled on the seat in the hot tub, between her
spread thighs. She swallowed hard, emotions running rampant while he curled his arms around her
legs, pushing her knees further apart and shoving those large bulky shoulders into place.
She met his gaze. A slow predatory smile covered his lips.  I can t wait to taste you, sugar. I
bet you ll be sweet as honey.
She gulped. Hot damn. Men didn t say that to her. Ever. They called her cute. But they never
acted so desperate to lick her pussy and fuck her senseless.
Bryan moved out of the corner of her eyes, coming up behind her. He kissed her shoulder,
swiping his tongue in circles and making her wiggle on the cool tile surrounding the tub.
 Kiss me, she ordered.
Lips met. Tongues rubbed. Another tongue ring. Christ she was going to die of pleasure. Then
Brent licked her pussy. One agonizingly slow trail from ass to front. He flicked the hard metal
repeatedly over her slick folds.
She gripped Bryan s short hair in her fist and tugged him back, panting.
 Oh, God!
Her legs shook from how good it felt to have Brent rubbing her clit with the tongue ring. The
cool metal, combined with the wetness of her own arousal and his saliva, slipped and slid in circles
over her quivering flesh.
 Do you like what he s doing to you, beautiful?
Did she like it? She might die if they stopped now. Bryan s hands massaged her nipples. She
gasped at the hard little tugs on her super sensitive points. She d used nipple clamps before, but the
amount of pressure he used was just enough to make her pussy ache. Perfect.
Their gazes met, and she wanted to give him some of the pleasure being given to her.
 Get on your knees next to me, let me see your cock, she said softly, loving the way he
moved quickly to her command.  Let me taste you.
She almost lost herself again in the reverent licks Brent did on her pussy. He thrust his tongue
into her sex, flicking it deep in waves that had her nearly in spasms.
With shallow breaths and a multitude of moans, she waited for Bryan to kneel next to her, his
large cock slick with his own arousal.
She d never seen a pierced penis before. And never one pierced more than once. Her
excitement grew. With one hand, she gripped the multi-pierced shaft in her grasp and pumped up and
down his length in a tight grip.
 Oh, fuck yes. He groaned.
He twined his fingers into her hair, not shoving himself into her, but caressing her scalp with
his fingers.
She started at his balls, sucking them both into her mouth and laving them with multiple licks
and twirls of her tongue.
Moans worked the back of her throat. Brent s fingers tightened on her legs, and he forced her
legs open wider. Then he sucked on her slick flesh. He rubbed his tongue in circles up and down from
her asshole to her pussy entrance.
At that moment, she trailed her tongue up Bryan s piercing, wiggling between the metal rods
and working up to the mushroomed head. His body held tense. She jerked and worked his thick length
into her mouth. The metal rods rolled as he went deeper toward the back of her throat. Then she
suctioned her cheeks tight and pulled back.
 Fucking hell that feels amazing!
She did it again, loving Bryan s moans of pleasure. Loving his thrusts into her lips and his
inability to hold still. She jerked and sucked. Over and over. His hips flexed, and his fingers on her
hair tightened. She could tell his orgasm drew near by the tense way he held himself. He sucked a
hard breath and his body vibrated.
Quickening her speed, she pumped harder, and squeezed at some of the rods. The reaction
was instant. He shoved deep into her mouth and shouted as his orgasm overtook him. She d been
prepared. Swallowing down his hot cum as he spurted down her throat. She sucked and licked his
seed from his soon limp cock. He dropped down and kissed her. Arousal gathered tighter in her
womb. He licked her lips and any of his own seed left behind before moving behind her. She moaned
as his arms curled around her torso to bring his hands back to her swollen nipples.
But Brent wasn t done with her. He stopped and moved back. She glanced down to meet his
 Make me come.
His eyes glittered with arousal. That tiny metal made its appearance as he licked his lips.
 Babe, I plan on making you come. Again and again.
She shivered at the intensity of his gaze.
At first, he flicked the tiny ball over her thrumming clit lightly. So light she wanted to scream
from how badly her body wanted to come. She felt tight, needy, and wet. Her pussy grasped at nothing
and she wanted no she needed to be filled.
 Brent, please& 
 Don t worry, baby. You ll get fucked so perfectly tonight, you ll be smiling for a lifetime.
Bryan s words, combined with a new twirling of the metal on her folds had the desired effect.
The tension in her core expanded until she swore she couldn t take another breath. Until she thought
her skin was going to tear from the pressure.
Brent s tongue rubbed the side of her clit. That tiny little area that was just as sensitive as the
bundled nerves. The tension blew. Colors, lights, and her surroundings all exploded into a giant
tsunami wave of pleasure. Breaths struggled past the screams rushing up her throat. But it only
intensified the minute his cock, with those dozen or so piercings, drove into her. One smooth thrust
and he was filling her, rubbing those tiny rods in the quivering muscles of her pussy. Muscles
spasming from the raging orgasm, she wrapped her shaky legs around his ass. He gripped her hips and
plunged in quick succession.
He groaned.  Fuck. Your pussy s wet and tight and it s sucking me damn good.
He drew back and propelled forward, slamming into her again.
 Oh, God!
She was glad Bryan held her from behind, helping keep her anchored as Brent droved hard
and fast into her. Repeatedly. So rough she could do nothing more than dig her nails into his arms and
hang on for the ride.
The feel of his cock and those metal bits rubbing her channel was unlike anything she d ever
experienced. It was pleasure to a whole new degree. Raking her nails down his chest, she twisted the
nipple rings and watched as he bit his lips and met her gaze. If possible, his thrusts increased in
speed. Harder. Faster. Harsher. Her pussy felt on fire. The sensation of all those tiny metals shot her
toward another orgasm so fast she was left breathless.
 That s it, darling. Come for us. Bryan licked at her earlobe.
 Oh, my&  She panted.
Skin slapped skin. Again. And again. Until all she heard was the pounding beating of her heart
in her head and her lungs struggle to catch a breath. She gazed down, watching his slick cock drive in
and out of her pussy. She watched the rods glisten with her juices on each outward slide.
 Do you like to watch me fucking you? Brent asked, voice low and so damn sexy she had to
glance at him.
 Yes. I like it. I love how you feel inside me.
She tugged at his nipple rings again, twisting them in her grasp.  I love your big cock going so
deep inside me and rubbing those tiny rods in my pussy.
His nostrils flared and the lines of his face tightened.  Fuck, Steph. Being inside you is
She leaned back, allowing him to penetrate deeper. A gasp broke free as he hit a new angle
and rubbed the rods in fresh areas. Bryan pinched at her nipples, tugging at her points. But it was
when Brent tapped at her clit while driving his cock into her that she broke. No longer able to hold
on, she let go. Her body shook with the power of her climax. A choked scream rushed free.
Brent s thrusts turned so deep, so raw and harsh she knew he was getting close. He did a deep
slide into her. Then another. His thrusts turned shallow, and he slowed until he stood there, his cock
pulsing in her pussy. She gasped. His fingers dug deep into her hips as he groaned. He came hard. So
hard she swore his shaft had grown inside her. He continued jerking into her pussy until he stopped
and leaned forward to brush his lips over hers.
 Oh, baby&  Brent groaned, pulling out of her pussy.
Stephanie s legs shook. Her muscles were pretty much useless. She was glad when both men
slipped into the Jacuzzi and helped her into the warm water. She sighed as both man took a sit on
either side of her. Bryan tugged her upper body to lean into his arm, while Brent lifted her legs over
his lap.
Her mind was abuzz with activity. Brent and Bryan. Holy shit. Bryan had fondled her breasts
so well. That pinching of her nipples had brought a new wave of pleasure to their intimacy. And then
she d been fucked amazingly by Brent. Oh, God. The way he d licked her pussy with that piercing had
given new definition to hot damn. And the feel of Bryan s cock in her mouth with all those metal studs
was unlike anything she d ever experienced.
 Are you okay? Bryan asked, his gaze studying her face intently.
Chapter Four
Nerves started to show after the cooling of her blood. These were the owners of the company
she worked at. They could fire her now. With no need to say a single word. But she didn t care. It had
been worth every moan, every thrust, and every suck to be between them.
 Yes. Do you guys do this often? She wondered out loud. Though it was a personal fantasy of
hers to be with the twin inked and pierced sex gods, she didn t think most women felt that way.
 No, Brent answered, drawing her attention to his hands on her legs, caressing her under the
 So why now? Why me?
Bryan slid his hands into her hair and massaged her scalp. The tension she d been feeling over
their actions slowly started to dissipate.  We ve wanted you for a long time.
 Me? It just didn t seem likely. They were two good-looking men.
 Yes, you, Brent said with that no-nonsense tone that started heating her blood all over again.
 But& but why? She couldn t think of anything special about her. She was chubby, but not
with a bad body. Most guys told her she was fun and gave great oral sex, but that wasn t something
they could know.
 Something about you&  Brent started.
 & Captivated us, Bryan finished.
She leaned back into his chest, loving the feel of his strong body at her back.
 You re a beautiful woman, Stephanie. Brent locked gazes with her.  I don t just mean
physically. I& We ve watched you. You re kind-hearted with others. Though you try to hide it.
You re sexy as hell with curves that make us crazy. He licked his lips, glancing down at her beaded
nipples peeking above the water.  We are willing to share you, as long as you are willing to be with
the both of us.
Wait. Did he say what she thought he said?  You both want to be with me?
 Yes. Brent s commanding voice made her pussy throb.
 Past tonight? Past this one night? That had to be some kind of prank.  I don t need promises
guys. I m happy being here, with you both, for tonight.
Brent wrapped his arms around her biceps and tugged her toward him, until she straddled his
lap. The steel hardness of his erection rubbed between her legs.
 That s the thing, darling. We want more than just tonight. He twined his fingers into her wet
hair and yanked her down for a kiss. A whimper sounded at the back of her throat. His kiss was pure
dominance. Possessive. Aggressive. And with enough fire to brand her lips as his own.
Just when she was about to curl her arms around his neck and beg him to fuck her, she was
moved to stand. Legs swaying, she watched Bryan hop out of the tub and pick up a bottle of lube from
a shelf. She tried not to look too excited, but hell, something good was coming. She could feel it.
Bryan got back inside the water, to a seat that extended outward into the tub. He grinned and
winked at her.  Come here, gorgeous.
That did it for her. If he d told her to run out to the party naked, she d have done it. That smile
and those eyes turned her brain to mush. She watched him slip a condom over his pierced cock. All it
took was a handful of steps, and she stopped in front of him. He gripped his long shaft in his hand.
 Come down on me, baby. I want to feel your pussy on my dick.
She straddled him, lowering her body over him. The head of his cock slipped into her sex,
stretching her and at the same time rubbing his piercings against her walls as she dropped down.
 That s right, darling. His gaze locked on hers. She saw his jaw clench and his eyes close
for a second when she was fully seated on him.  Hell, Steph. You really are hot and wet.
She wasn t sure how to take it, but from the way he said it, with that breathy groan and the
way he jerked into her sex, she had a feeling he really liked it. She squeezed her pelvic muscles tight
around his cock.
 Oh, fucking hell, yes!
She couldn t stop the grin. She curled her arms around his neck and licked at his lips. With a
wiggle, a lift, and a drop, she made him groan again. But she didn t get much of a chance to enjoy her
teasing of him. Brent s hot body slid down her back. Her attention was diverted from Bryan s cock
filling her pussy by the feel of Brent s slick cock pushing at her asshole.
Her gaze met Bryan s while Brent s warm breath whispered by her ear.  I want to fuck your
sexy ass, Steph.
Bryan s eyes closed in a moan as her pussy squeezed at his cock.
 Both of you? She said, breath hitching at the pressure pushing at her asshole.
She d had anal sex before. Loved it, in fact. But she d never had two men at once. It was kind
of intimidating, but the prospect of having both of the men she d been wanting was too good to pass
 Yes, baby. But if you don t think you can handle it, it s okay.
Like hell. Brent and Bryan inside of her with those pierced cocks rubbing her ass and pussy?
No way in hell she d say no.
She wiggled on Bryan s cock, leaned forward and felt him spread her cheeks for Brent to
enter her.
Then it was Brent s slick cock pushing into her hole. The piercings added a new level of
pressure as they slid into her tight muscles. Her focus was once again taken from that to Bryan s
fingers on her clit. He rubbed the swollen little nubbin in circles. Her breath hitched.
 Mmm& your pussy feels amazing gripping my cock, he said.
 And your ass has to be the tightest I ve ever been in, Brent muttered, kissing her shoulder
once he was fully into her backside. Her anal muscles felt stretched taut. Brent pulled back, and the
sensation of his piercings inside her rushed a tight gathering of tension in her core. She gasped at the
quick locking of her muscles.
 Oh, fuck!
 My thoughts exactly. Brent nibbled her shoulder and pushed into her ass with more force.
Stars burst behind her lids. She couldn t think. Breathe. Hell, she couldn t tell a person her name if
they asked her. All she could do was try to keep her lungs functioning.
They took turns fucking her. When Brent pulled back, Bryan rushed up into her pussy. In and
out. One and then the other. She clung to Bryan, nails digging deep into his shoulders.
 Oh, yes. Oh, yes yes yes&  She moaned louder with each thrust.
Brent s drives grew fierce. Bryan kept his slides slow and easy, almost as if to not
overwhelm her. She shut her eyes tight to everything but the sensations rushing through of pain and
pleasure. Hot shudders raked down her spine with each of Brent s deep dives. He thrust deep, hard.
Until he his pelvis rubbed between her cheeks. His arms went tight around her waist, holding her
close to him. He jerked multiple times into her ass, the piercings offering a delicious friction while he
He wasn t out of her when Bryan took over. He slammed deep into her pussy, making her
channel ripple around his driving shaft.
Her breath caught the minute his teeth nipped at one of her breasts. He licked at a nipple and
then bit down, still fucking her hard. He didn t wait any longer. He drove deep, bit down, and
pinched at her clit. The combination of all of it and Brent s cock still inside her ass turned out to be
too much. She threw her head back, spine arching, and she screamed. The tension inside her body
broke, and a wave of pleasure took hold. She couldn t move.
Her body shook with each of the aftershocks wracking her core. There was no instant catching
of her breath or getting up off Bryan. There was the continued release of endorphins in her brain, of
every single pleasure cell making its presence known and shooting through her body spreading the
joy. She couldn t have controlled the shaking, the moaning or the panting if her life depended on it.
It was long minutes before she could blink the spots dancing before her eyes away. Long
minutes of hearing her heartbeats try to go at a slower pace. When she was finally able to move, she
was incredibly touched by Brent and Bryan helping her to her feet. Brent gathered her in his arms and
walked toward the door, crossing the hallway and into a bedroom. A massive bed, which she was
sure could fit at least six people, sat in the middle of the room.
He laid her in the middle of the sheets and proceeded to slide by her right side. Bryan took her
left. She turned on her right, having been used to sleeping that way and grinned when she was
spooned by Bryan. She curled into Brent, snuggling her head on his chest and her arm over his abs.
She glanced up to meet his dark gaze. The insecurity she saw in his features was something
she wasn t used to. This was Brent. He was big, sexy, and self-assured. Seeing that side of him made
something wipe away some of the insecurity she felt in regard to them two.
 I didn t come here tonight expecting this, Brent. So it s going to take me some time to wrap
my mind around the fact you two want me. And are willing to be with me at the same time.
He nodded.  I understand. He lifted a hand and caressed her cheek.  But we do want you.
It s not something we are used to so this would be new to us. We re willing to compromise as long as
you can give it a chance.
So many things went through her mind. Questions about jealousy. About her job and what
would happen. Yet none of it mattered when she placed a hand on his heart and he lifted it to his lips
and kissed her. At the same time, Bryan brushed kisses over her shoulder.
 I think& I think we can figure this out. She smiled at him. It wouldn t be easy, but she was
very adaptable. Besides, the promise of great sex with the men of her dreams was too good to pass up
for as long as they could make it work.
Talia Barca needs a date. Badly. She uses the services of the Paranormal Dating Agency hoping for a decent guy to take to a family
wedding. A wedding her ex-husband has wormed his way into as a guest.
Connor and Theron want Tally to complete their Alpha triad. She's sexy, curvy and funny. But she's human. And they're not sure she'll
go for a relationship with two men at the same time.
As if deciding to give two men a shot wasn t difficult enough, Tally will also need to deal with a threat from the pack. She'll either prove
she's strong enough to be an Alpha mate or find herself at the mercy of a vicious opponent.
New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Milly Taiden (AKA April Angel) loves to
write sexy stories. How sexy? So sexy they will surely make your ereader sizzle. Usually paranormal
or contemporary, her stories are a great quick way to satisfy your craving for fun heroines with curves
and sexy alphas with fur.
Milly lives in New York City with her hubby, their boy child and their little dog  Needy Speedy .
She s aware she s bossy, is addicted to shoe shopping, chocolate (but who isn t, right?) and Dunkin
Donuts coffee.
She loves to meet new readers!
Find out more about Milly Taiden here:
If you liked this story, you might also enjoy by Milly Taiden:
Sassy Mates Series
Scent of a Mate Sassy Mates Book One
A Mate s Bite Sassy Mates Book Two
Unexpectedly Mated Sassy Mates Book Three
The Mate Challenge Sassy Mates Book Four  Coming Soon
Federal Paranormal Unit
Wolf Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book One
Dangerous Protector Federal Paranormal Unit Book Two
Black Meadow Pack
Sharp Change Black Meadows Pack Book One
Caged Heat Black Meadows Pack Book Two
Paranormal Dating Agency
Twice the Growl Book One
Geek Bearing Gifts Book Two
The Purrfect Match Book Three
Curves  Em Right Book Four
Tall Dark and Panther Book Five
Other Works
Wolf Fever Alpha Project Book One
Fate s Wish
Wynter s Captive
Sinfully Naughty Vol. 1
Club Duo Boxed Set
Don t Drink and Hex
Hex Gone Wild
If you enjoyed the book, please consider leaving a review, even if it's only a line or two; it
would make all the difference and would be very much appreciated.
Thank you!


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