TME0 101

TME0 101

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_ _ . / Fantastic Four

Su perli ero ic planet

Fantastic Four


CURRENT M EM BERS MR. FANTASTIC (Raod nchetót) Scwntiftc 9®niu»: •łastic powers.

INYISIBŁE WOMAN (Susan Richarda) Can tum har body or any crther objact kwiaMa. projacts Knrtaible forca flalds. THE THINO (Ban Grimm)

Men moneler wilh superttuman


Reed Richard? was a scicntific genius who dreamed ofexploring the stars. His roommate at New York\ State Uni\'ersity was football star Ben Grimm. Reed shared his tlream ofbuilding a starship aiul Grimm, who wanted to become a pilot, prontised to fly it. Grimm subscquently joined the US Air Forcc and became a test pilot and astronaut. Meanwhile, nsing his own tarnik' s fortunę as well as money trom the goYernmem, Richards bnilt a starship.

HUMAŃ TORCH (Johnny Storm) Ganerataa flary pfaema ovar his anbrn body and can fly.



(Ma. Maryal/Sha-Thłng), NAMORITA (Namofito Prantaa) BASE

Baxtor BoNding. Naw York City


Fantasbc Four i 1 <Novombar 1961)


Sub-Mamw A* ... Malwa AeuCfta

MarVn*«»    SMr

SuMr, LySO l>yi Storm]

FOES .. rr Pucptf MatKC

H I| /-.-.I wviIw Sopflf.Apes

f~otr, Gductu*

M''* WNig otr<-wo V? cosmc rays the Fartaefcc «./ hept a *jw ar«J ódnl thnr prawn lo ’.r« pubtc unu port moretoa Gcyar JSroc *w<Awrrfi tyAhas


Whcn the gosernment tlireatened to withdraw its tuudmg. Ru hatds daided to lakę his prototspe slup on a test thght wilh (irinmi at the hełm. Richards* tiam. ee Susan Storni atid her teeiuge brorher Johnny came along ior the ndc. Soon after takeołT, a solar tiarę bomharded the ship w kh an unknown form ot cosmu udiauon chat mutated their lxxlies and gave tłietn fantastic powers. Richards betainę M;< I aniasiu .Susan Storm lx\ iiik Is. mi. ; Woman. Hen Grimm hecame the Thing, and Jolutny Storm hecame the Humań Torch.

no Charge

Plćdging to use their ncw powers tor the good of mankind, the four ad\ciHurers tormed a legał i orporation I lx* Fantastic I our sateguaids the planet trom human ami ext rater rest r lal supor-mcnaccs. and ałso spccializcs m pure scicntitk research and expłorations inco tłu* unknown. Fumłed In rhe patents on imentums amł si icntihc discosenes

nudę b\ Richards. the team otłers its semccs without cłurge.

On their tirst puhlic mission. the Fantastic I our presented the M< u i Man coiujnering the worki. I hev lace: stopped the Skki lis imadmg Larth .md rhe Mir.m:. Man trom blackmailmg New York < uyThcy were ałso responsible tor the return ofPnnce Na mor, tłie Sub-Mariner: the Humań Torch found him living likc a tramp m tłie Bowery slums and helped restote hrs lost

artotru. Beri tnwl To ta** the ołfwr*

Th# fiantattC Four ha-/# vovw*l to isatojtart Ewth

memor\ l lie FF ałso uncosered the of I)(H iou Dix>\i and madę tirst U ah i hi WarrHL R and the Inhl w ans. They blocked Galac tus consuming the F.artli and of sub-spaee known as the The team also battłed the Fuk.iiitul Ovikmim>. the Si*m\\ and aided

Xandar against a SkrulI liwasion


After a prołonged engagement. Reed Richards nurried Susan Storni and she ga\e btrth to their son Franklin Soon afterward,

Ric lurds’ sy lentist father Natłumel swiuhed voung Franklin willi his akernate-world teenage counterpart in an elłbrt to help the team battle ł lyperstorm. a menace they were destined to face m the luture. Richards and Doctor Doom were later transported into a possible alternate fu tu ie w here the son ot Franklin łtad cotKjuered the unnerse

A fcw months later.

Franklin somchow created a jxx ket universe



1 The “hirg 2 Mr fini.w-3 li -i ł •• • C5 fł A li u '

The team estabiished its first headquarters on the top flve floors of the Baxter BuHding in Manhattan, New York City.

/ Aithough thls bulldtng was later destroyed, Richards deslgned another base that was constmcted in outerspace by his former mentor Noah Baxfer. The new Bader Building is equipped with a State-of-the-art security system that Is regularly upgraded. Roberta, the Fantastic Four’s robot receptionist. is networked with the tcam's main Computer and can undertake hundreds of tasks slmultaneousfy.

fi-,beda ?. abia :o cpfirare 24 h^sifs a cisy anc. can varcus :^lls srnuttandcusk

Richards has a/so designed many different types of lantasti-cars for easy travet around Manhattan (they're easy to park). Bach team memoer fs equlpped with a y/ireless Communications link, and an emergency flarę gun. The FF afso have a Pogo-Piane that is outfitted with vertical taks off and landing capabilities, a captured Skrull starship that they o$e for galactic travel and a hme platform and space/tlme sJed that a!Iow them to vlslt alternate tlme eras or dimenstons. The team's costumes an? composed of unstable molecules that are speciftcally deslgned to adjust to their indivrdual powers.

ESSENTIAL STORYUNES • Greatest l/iltains of the Fantastic Four rtpty © FF bartę Psycho-Man. BI Arnhli,s. Pbppet Masto', :he Mmi

Fantastic Four Monsters Unleashcd (tpb) TIf

Soioer-Mfr tho rr batte the Mote Man ano iho i> • Fantastic Four. Nobody Oats Out Alive (tpb) The I

varicus ałtemata diniensions cmi a łHinr for Ihe mssrg ant

•    Fantastic Four: Unthinkabtc (tpb) !>. Doom alto-npęs Reed aro Su»s cwn c iidron iv, woapons agansł tho rr

•    Fantastic Four: Authoritatiw Action (tpb)

seize corrtroł cl Lirve'ia ufler Doonł is cpparenłiy ciasirty^l

fcallcd ( ounirr Ilarth, vvhc:v he rransporlcd liis parents to pmtect Nhem tiom a psych i c monster callcd ONM.AUcm.Thc FF later raftirned and soon faced another rcality-altering cosmic entity called Abnpcas. Shortly after they defeated lam, tlić Invisib!e Woman gave birtli to a daughter. named Valena.


Reed R:c’:ards ewntually had a pfeńiactic battlc with Doom. r'condemniiu'. him to a • cUmension.Temporarily assuming Contro! ofDooms belowil I ateeria, •■'Richards dismantled his rcgime and ;tfdestro\ cd all his weapons ot mass Icestruction.

The FF later journcyed into another alternate dimcmion ro savc theThing trom death and then faced bankruptcy and public disgrace at tlie hands of the Psycho Man. They have sińce regained their fortunę and arc rebuilding their reputation as the worlds greatest super-team. TO



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