Latin Phrases

"Veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered. (Caesar))
"Exegi monumentum aere perennius." (I have erected a monument more lasting than bronze.
"nonne amicus certus in re incerta cernitur?" (a friend in need is a friend in deed (our
"Sine labore nihil" (Nothing without work)
"Conlige suspectos semper habitos" (Round up the usual suspects)
"Veni, Vidi, Dormivi" (I came, I saw, I slept)
"Te Amo" (I Love You)
"Corripe Cervisiam" (Seize the beer!)
"Carpe Diem!" (Seize the day (Horace))
"Ante bellum" (Before the war)
"Caveat emptor" (Let the buyer beware.)
"Merda taurorum animas conturbit" (Bullshit baffles brains)
Re vera, potas bene. (Say, you sure are drinking a lot.)
Romani quidem artem amatoriam invenerunt. (You know, the Romans invented the art of love.)
Mellita, domi adsum. (Honey, I'm home.)
Magister Mundi sum! (I am the Master of the Universe!)
Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre? (Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you just
happy to see me?)
Vescere bracis meis. (Eat my shorts.)
"illegitimi non carborundum" ((Check out this Wikipedia page for the history of the phrase.)
Roughly Translated: Don't let the bastards grind you down.)
Da mihi sis cerevisiam dilutam. (I'll have a light beer.)
Da mihi sis bubulae frustrum assae, solana tuberosa in modo Gallico fricta, ac quassum lactatum
coagulatum crassum. (Give me a hamburger, french fries, and a thick shake.)
Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt. (When catapults are
outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults.)
Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris. (If Caesar were alive, you'd be chained to an oar.)
"Errare humanum est" ((to err is human) mistakes are human)
"Cave cibum, valde malus est." (Beware the food, it is very bad.)
"Stercus accidit" (shit happens)
"In Vino Veritas" (In wine there is truth (People say what they really mean when they're drunk))
"pax vobiscum" (peace be with you)
Ubi fumus, ibi ignis. Where there's smoke, there's fire.
"dulce et decorum est pro patria mori." (it is sweet and fitting to die for ones country)
"ad infinitum" (to infinity)
"ad nauseam" (to sickness)
"Veritas Lux Mea" (The truth enlightens me / The truth is my light (Motto of Seoul National
University in South Korea))
"Medio tutissmus ibis" (You will go most safely by the middle course)
"Exitus acta probat" (The outcome justifies the deed)
"Fronti nulla fides" (No reliance can be placed on appearance)
"Bellum omium contra omnes" (Everyman's struggle against everyman (from "Leviathan" by
Thomas Hobbes))
"Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis" (All things are changing, and we are changing with
"Nemo nisi mors" (No one but death (shall part us))
"primum non nocere" (first do no harm)
"Pacta Sunt Servanda" (Accords (or treaties) should be observed (Basic principle of
International Law))
"Qui tacet consentit" (silence implies consent)
"fabas indulcet fames" (literally "hunger sweetens beans" or hunger makes everything taste
"Corruptio optimi pessima" (corruption of the best is worst)
"Res melius evinissent cum Coca" (Things go better with Coke.)
"Nemo dat quod non habet" (No one gives what he doesn't have.)
"Qui potest capere capiat" (Let him accept it who can. Freely: If the shoe fits, wear it.)
"Quod scripsi, scripsi." (What I have written, I have written--Pilate. And he probably did speak
in Latin.)
"Contra Felicem vix deus vires habet." (against a lucky man a god scarcely has power.)
"Deus et natua non faciunt frusta" (God and nature do not work together in vain)
"sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt" ((Vergil: the Aeneid: ) these are the tears of
things, and our mortality cuts to the heart)
"Mens sibi conscia recti" (a mind conscious of its rectitude)
"Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem" (remember to keep a calm mind in
"Delenda est Carthago" (Carthage must be destroyed)
"Ceterum censeo, Carthago delenda est" (That is my opinion. It is further my opinion, that
Carthage must be destroyed (by Marcus Porcius Cato (Cato the Elder), a Roman Senator))
"Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam" (And therefore, I conclude that Carthage must be
destroyed (perhaps most correct)(by Marcus Porcius Cato (Cato the Elder), a Roman Senator))
"Deus commodo muto consisto quem meus canis sententia existo." (Which, in a very ham-fisted
way, with generosity, comes close to being:)
"Meliora Cogito" (I strive for the best")
"O tempora, O mores!" (Oh the times, oh the morals! (Cicero))
"Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est" (A sword is never a killer, it's a
tool in the killer's hands")(Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the younger" ca. (4 BC - 65 AD))
"Odi et amo, quare id facere forasse requiris...Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior" (I hated and I
love, perhaps you ask why I do it...I don't know, but I feel it and I'm tortured.)
"Tempus amoris cubiculum non est..." (The time for love is not in the bedroom...)
Malum consilium quod mutari non potest. It's a bad plan that can't be changed.(Publilius Syrus
Homines libenter quod volunt credunt. Men freely believe what they want to. (used by Julius
Caesar, but probably borrowed from Terentius.)
Qui vult dare parva non debet magna rogare. He who wishes to give little shouldn't ask for much.
Flamma fumo est proxima. Flame follows smoke. (Plautus, Curculio)
Adversus incendia excubias nocturnas vigilesque commentus est. Against the dangers of fires, he
(=Augustus) conceived of the idea of night guards and watchmen. (Suetonius, Life of Augustus)
Trahimur omnes studio laudis. We are all attracted by the desire for praise.
Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro. A greedy mind is satisfied with no (amount of) gain.
Alea iacta est. The die has been cast. (Caesar as he was crossing the Rubicon river )
Exegi monumentum aere perennius. I have erected a monument more lasting than bronze.
Fama nihil est celerius. Nothing is swifter than rumor.
Fama volat. Fame has wings.
Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo. My conscience is more to me than what the
world says.
"Modus operandi" (Method of work)
"Ab ovo usque ad mala" (from start to finish (from horsd'oeuvre to dessert))
"Vademecum" (go with me)
"Novus Ordo Seclorum" (new secular order)
"Agnus Dei" (Lamb of God)
annuit coeptis- God has favored us
tabula rasa- a clean slate
cui bono- for whose good (in whose interests)?
sine qua non- necesssity
Conditio sine qua non- condition, necessarily to be fulfilled
caeca invidia est- envy is blind
rara avis- a rare bird
lapsus alumni- error made
dies irae- the Day of Wrath, or Judgment Day
sub rosa- under the rose (i.e. confidentially)
ex cathedra- with authority
Fiat lux. Let there be light (Vulgate Genesis)
Qui tacet consentit. He who is silent agrees.
Fides Punica. Treachery (Livy)
Quid Novi. What's New?
Nullum Gratuitum Prandium. There is no free lunch!
Homo homini lupus. A man to a man is like a wolf
Hic puer est stultissimus omnium! This boy is the stupidest of all!
O di immortales! Good heavens! (uttered by Cicero on the Senate floor.)
Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.(Vergil, Aeneid II.49) Whatever it is, I fear the
Greeks, even bearing gifts.
Quidquid id est timeo puellas et oscula dantes. Whatever it is, I fear the girls, even when they
Venienti occurrite morbo.(Persius, Satires) Meet the misfortune as it comes.
Forsan miseros meliora sequentur.(Virgil) For those in misery perhaps better things will follow.
Multi famam, conscientiam pauci verentur.(Pliny) Many fear their reputation, few their
Gaudeamus igitur (iuvenes dum sumus). Therefore, let us rejoice (while we are young)
infra dignitatem. undignified (beneath (our) dignity).
lapsus calumni. A slip of the pen
mirabile dictu. Wonderful to say
E Pluribus Unum. One from many
post proelia praemia. After the battles come the rewards
"qualis pater talis filius." (As is the father, so is the son; like father, like son)
"Semper Ubi Sub Ubi" (always wear underwear (This is actually a joke told among students of
Latin. It is an incorrect usage ("ubi" really means "where" not "wear") begging a strict
translation into English.))
Maxima debetur puero reverentia. We owe the greatest respect to a child.
Uva Uvam Vivendo Varia Fit. Diverse grapes, through time, grow together.
"Alma Mater." (Old school (actual translation - nourishing mother) )
Ad hoc. For one reason
"Alter ego." ("Other 'I'" or "Other Self")
naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret You can drive nature out with a pitchfork but she
always comes back. Literally, "Nature can be expelled with a fork, but nevertheless always
Studium discendi voluntate quae cogi non potest constat (Quintilian Institutio Oratoria, iii) Study
depends on the good will of the student, a quality which cannot be secured by compulsion.
Vacca foeda. (Stupid cow.)
Die dulci fruere. (Have a nice day.)
Mihi ignosce. Cum homine de cane debeo congredi. (Excuse me. I've got to see a man about a
Raptus regaliter. (Royally screwed.)
Object 1
Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum! (Don't you dare erase my hard disk!)
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam. (I
have a catapult. Give me all the money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head.)
Gramen artificiosum odi. (I hate Astroturf.)
Furnulum pani nolo. (I don't want a toaster.)
Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare. (I think some people in togas are plotting against
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione. (I'm not interested in your dopey religious cult.)
Noli me vocare, ego te vocabo. (Don't call me, I'll call you.)
Cave ne ante ullas catapultas ambules. (If I were you, I wouldn't walk in front of any catapults.)
Canis meus id comedit. (My dog ate it.)
Illiud Latine dici non potest. (You can't say that in Latin.)
Vidistine nuper imagines moventes bonas? (Seen any good movies lately?)
Nullo metro compositum est. (It doesn't rhyme.)
Non curo. Si metrum non habet, non est poema. (I don't care. If it doesn't rhyme, it isn't a poem.)
Fac ut gaudeam. (Make my day.)
Braccae illae virides cum subucula rosea et tunica Caledonia-quam elenganter concinnatur!
(Those green pants go so well with that pink shirt and the plaid jacket!)
Visne saltare? Viam Latam Fungosam scio. (Do you want to dance? I know the Funky
Utinam barbari spatium proprium tuum invadant! (May barbarians invade your personal
Utinam coniurati te in foro interficiant! (May conspirators assassinate you in the mall!)
Utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant! (May faulty logic undermine your
entire philosophy!)
Radix lecti. (Couch potato.)
Quo signo nata es? (What's your sign?)
O! Plus! Perge! Aio! Hui! Hem! (Oh! More! Go on! Yes! Ooh! Ummm!)
Spero nos familiares mansuros. (I hope we'll still be friends.)
Tam exanimis quam tunica nehru fio. (I am as dead as the nehru jacket.)
Ventis secundis, tene cursum. (Go with the flow.)
Totum dependeat. (Let it all hang out.)
Te precor dulcissime supplex! (Pretty please with a cherry on top!)
Fac me cocleario vomere! (Gag me with a spoon!)
Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure. (I can't hear you. I have a banana in my
Prehende uxorem meam, sis! (Take my wife, please!)
"Musica delenit bestiam feram." (Music soothes the savage beast.)
"Amor vincit omnia" (love conquers all)
"Sit vis vobiscum." (May the Force be with you.)
"Veni, Vidi, volo in domum redire." (I came, I saw, I want to go home.)
"Propino tibi salutem!" (Cheers!)
"non scholae sed vitae discimus" (we learn not for school, but for life)
"non omnia possumus omnes" (We all cannot do everything. (As Virgil explains in the Aeneid, no
one has expertise in all fields.) )
"ascendo tuum" (Up yours)
"Semper Letteris Mandate" (Always get it in writing!)
"Aquila non copit murem" (the eagle does not catch the mouse, "don't sweat the small things")
"Vultur non capit muscam!" (The eagle does not catch flies)
"Philosophum non facit barba!" (The beard does not define a philosopher)
"quasi" (as if)
"coitus non circum." (No Fucking around)
"Ars sine scientia nihil est" (art without science is nothing (I would also claim that the opposite is
"Anus Equi Volants!" (Flying ass of the horse (Fr. R. Macchietto))
"Huc accedit Zambonis" (Here comes the Zamboni)
"Ne conjugare nobiscum" (Don't fuck with us)
"Per aspera ad astra" (through the thorns to the stars)
"Sunt pueri pueri, puerilia tractant." (Children are children, (therefore) children do childish
"nemo me impune laccessit" (no one harms me unpunished (the motto of Scotland for roughly a
thousand years or so))
"Infans Jesu invidit assini." (Baby Jesus hates a wise ass)(is yet another concoction, also garbled.
It could be "Infans Jesu invidit asinum." (Baby Jesus hates an ass) but even that is not very good
"ad alta" (to the summit)
"ad astra" (to the stars)
"Mens sana in corpore sano" (A sound mind in a sound body)
"Aspice, officio fungeris sine spe honoris amplioris." (Face it, you're stuck in a dead end job.)
"in vinculis etiam audax" (in chains yet still bold(free))
"Cum Grano Salis" (With a Grain of Salt.)
"Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit" (perhaps someday we will look back upon these things
with joy.)
"Poli, poli, di umbuendo" (Slowly, Slowly we will get there.)
"Ne humanus crede" (Trust no human.)
"Deo Vindice" (God will prove us right (motto of the Confederate States of America))
"Fabricati diem" (Make my day)
"Carpe Canum" (Seize the Dog)
"Aut viam inveniam aut faciam." (I'll either find a way or make one.)
"Ave Caesar imperator, morituri te salutant" (Hail Caesar, those about to die salute you
(gladiators before the fight))
"Veni, vidi, deus vicit" (I came, I saw and God has won (Polish king Jan Sobieski after defeating
Turkish army on the outskirts of Vienna in XVI century))
"festina lente" (hurry slowly)
"Meum pactum dictum" (My word is my bond)
"Quidvis Recte Factum Quamvis Humile Praeclarum" (Whatever is rightly done, however
humble, is noble)
"Caeli enarrant gloriam Dei" (The heavens declare the glory of God)
"Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae" (There is no one great ability without a
mixture of madness)
"Nil actum credens dum quid superesset agendum." (Thinking nothing done, while anything was
yet to do.)
"esse est percipi" (being is perception. it is a standardmetaphysical, Mauser quote from his work
on phenomenology.)
"deo volente" (It means god willing.)
"ad astra per aspera" (to the stars through difficulty)
"Dona Nobis Pacem" (Grant us peace)
"Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomine Tu o da gloriam" (Not unto us, Lord, not unto us,
but unto thy name give glory.)
"Manus manum lavat" ( Hand washes hand, "one hand washes another" or more
contemporarily "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours)
"Luctor et emergo" ("I struggle and emerge" or "Struggle and Conquor". It reflects the Dutch
struggle with the sea for the last ten centuries or so. It is actually the motto of the Province
Zeeland in the southwest of The Netherlands, the same Province New Zealand was named after.)
"Liberate Te Ex Inferis" (Save yourself from hell. (grammatically incorrect but used as an album
title by Zao and used in the movie Event Horizon))
"Libera Te Ex Inferis" (Save yourself from hell. (Speaking to one person))
"Liberate Vos Ex Inferis" (Save yourself from hell. (Speaking to more than one persons))
"Requiescat in pace" (rest in peace)
"Drustanus Hic Iacit Cvnomori filius" (Here Lies Drustan, son of [Marcus]Cunomorus, (said to
be inscribed on a stone pillare in Cornwall))
"Ignis aurum probat, miseria fortes viros." ( Life is not a bowl of cherries, or, literally, Fire tests
gold; adversity tests strong men.)
"Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum Benedicta tu in mullieribus et benedictus fructus
ventris tui, Jesus Sancta Maria, Mater Dei Ora pro Nobis, peccatoribus Nunc et in hora mortis
nostr¾. Amen." (Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee Blessed art thou amonst women,
and blessed in the fruit of thy womb, Jesus Holy Mary, Mother of God Pray for us sinners Now
and at the hour of our death. Amen)
"Cursum Perficio" (My journey is over.)(also sometimes as "I finish my journey")
"mea culpa" (My fault.)
"Semper Fidelis" (Always Faithful (Motto of the US Marine Corps) )
"Si vis pacem, para bellum." (If you wish for peace, prepare for war.(Flavius Vegetius Renatus c.
375 AD.))
"Romani ite domus" (Roman go home! ---(Monty Phyton's Life of Brian))
"POST FESTUM PESTUM" (Literally "After holidays The Plague", it means The end of
Holidays is a shit!)
"nemo surdior est quam is qui non audiet" (No man is more deaf than he who will not hear)
"Mutatis mutandis" (With the necessary changes)
"Non ministrari, sed ministrare" (Not to be served, but to serve)
"Domus in colle" (House on the Hill)
"Deus est intus" (God is Within)
"Si me perdis, te perdam" (Waste me and I'll waste you (a sundial motto))
"Hic si stas, hinc eris" (Here you stay, here you belong (a sundial motto)))
"Solem quis dicere falsum audeat" (Who will dare to say that the sun is wrong? (a sundial motto
from Virgil's Georgics))
"Sol tibi signa dabit" (The sun will give you signs (a sundial motto from Virgil's Georgics))
"Commune hoc ignorantiae vitium est: quae nescias, nequicquam esse profiteri" - Leon Battista
Alberti: De Re Aedificatoria, VI,2 (A common thing with the ignorant, to despise what they do
not understand; James Leoni's translation, London 1726 - this translation is not entirely to the
point, either, I feel - a better one might be: "A common vice among ignorants is to reject the idea
that there is anything to know")
"De mortiis aut bene aut nihil." (Speak well of the dead or not at all.(a more literal translation
would be "Of the dead, well or not at all." I'm not 100% on mortiis, I've found people using it as
mortiis, mortibus, and mortuis. The next translation seems to be the best version)
"De mortuis, nihil nisi bonum." (Never speak ill of the dead. (more literal "Of the dead, (say)
nothing unless good."))
"Carpe Narem" (Pick your nose)
"Quos vult perdere Jovis prius dementat." (Those whom he wants to destroy, Jupiter first makes
"Verba volant, scripta manent." (Spoken words fly away, written words remain.)
"Veni, Vidi, Ambulavi." (I came, I saw, I walked.)
"In caecus terrae, luscus rex est." (In the land of the blind, the one-eye-man is king.)
"Cogito, Facio Fio!" (Think it, Do it, Become it!)
"Non urinat in ventum" (Don't piss into the wind)
"Homo sapiens non urinat in ventum" (A wise man doesn't piss into the wind)
"Tempus edax rerums" (Time devours all things (quote from Roman poet Ovid))
"Mors Cum Terrore Novo Venit" (Death has come with a new terror)
Postremo pensandum
Quanta doctrinae commoditas sit in libris
Quam facilis, quam arcana!
Quam tuto libris humanae ignorantia paupertatem
sine verecundia denudamus!
Hi sunt magistri qui nos instruunt
sine virgis et ferula,
sine verbis et cholera, sine pannis et pecunia.
si accedis, non dormiunt;
Si inquirens interrogas, non abscondunt;
Non remurmurant si oberres;
Cachinnos nesciunt, si ignores.
(Richard de BuryPhilobiblon, I, 9)
And finally, one must consider how great the ease of learning
there is in books, how yielding, how trusty !
How safely we reveal, without shyness, in the face of our books
the poverty of our human ignorance !
They are teachers who instruct us without switches or rods,
without slaps or anger, without notice of rags or riches.
If you approach them , they are not asleep;
If you ask a question, they do not hide;
They do not mutter at you if you make a mistake;
When you are ignorant, they do not know how to laugh at you.
"Musica delenit bestiam feram." (Music soothes the savage beast.)
"Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit
materiari?" (How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?)
"Nihil est--in vita priore ego imperator Romanus fui." (That's nothing--in a previous life I was a
Roman Emperor.)
"Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est." (Yes, that is a very large amount of corn.)
"Recedite, plebes! Gero rem imperialem!" (Stand aside plebians! I am on imperial business.)
"Oblitus sum perpolire clepsydras!" (I forgot to polish the clocks!)
"Sic faciunt omnes." (Everyone is doing it.)
"Fac ut vivas." (Get a life.)
"Anulos qui animum ostendunt omnes gestemus!" (Let's all wear mood rings!)
"Insula Gilliganis." (Gilligan's Island.)
"Exterioris pagina puella." (Cover Girl.)
"Coruscantes disci per convexa caeli volantes." (Flying saucers.)
"Escariorium lavator." (Dishwashing machine.)
"Instrumentum aeri temperando." (Airconditioner.)
"Aeronavis abstractio a prestituto cursu." (Hijacking.)
"Nummus americanus." (Greenback ($US)
"Latine loqui coactus sum." (I have this compulsion to speak Latin.)
"Qui vir odiosus!" (What a bore!)
"Heu! Tintinnuntius meus sonat!" (Darn! There goes my beeper!)
"Labra lege." (Read my lips.)
"Non erravi perniciose!" (I did not commit a fatal error!)
"Fortunatus sum! Pila mea de gramine horrido modo in pratum lene recta volvit!" (Isn't that
lucky! My ball just rolled out of the rough and onto the fairway!)
"Haec trutina errat." (There is something wrong with this scale.)
"Si Non Oscillas Noli Tintinnare" (If you don't swing, don't ring (Plaque on the Playboy mansion
in Chicago.))
Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europe vincendarum. (Sometimes I get this urge to
conquer large parts of Europe.)
Eheu, litteras istas reperire non possum. (Unfortunately, I can't find those particular documents.)
Scio cur summae inter se dissentiant! Numeris Romanis utor! (I know why the numbers don't
agree! I use Roman numerals!)
Estne tibi forte magna feles fulva et planissima? (Do you by chance happen to own a large,
yellowish, very flat cat?)
Prescriptio in manibus tabellariorium est. (The check is in the mail.)
Braccae tuae aperiuntur. (Your fly is open.)
In dentibus acticis frustrum magnum spinaciae habes. (You have a big piece of spinach in your
Prospice tibi--ut Gallia, tu quoque in tres partes dividareis. (Watch out--you might end up
divided into three parts, like Gaul.)
Bene, cum Latine nescias, nolo manus meas in te maculare. (Well, if you don't understand plain
Latin, I'm not going to dirty my hands on you.)
Sane ego te vocavi. Forsitan capedictum tuum desit. (I did call. Maybe your answering machine is
Vinum bellum iucunumque est, sed animo corporeque caret. (It's a nice little wine, but it lacks
character and depth.)
"Exempli Gratia." (Acronym "EG" - For Example)
"Id Est." (Acronym "IE" - That Is)
"Ad Libitum." (Acronym "AD LIB" - Freely)
"Ad Interim." (For the Time Being)
"Ad Libitur." (As Desired)
"Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam." (to the greater glory of God - motto of the Society of Jesus)
"Dei Gratia." (By the Grace of God)
"In Dei Nomine." (In the name of God)
"Soli Deo Gloria." (To God Alone the Glory)
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat. (It's not the heat, it's the humidity.)
Di! Ecce hora! Uxor mea me necabit! (God, look at the time! My wife will kill me!)
Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum. (Garbage in, garbage out.)
Credo nos in fluctu eodem esse. (I think we're on the same wavelength.)
Lex clavatoris designati rescindenda est. (The designated hitter rule has got to go.)
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem. (In the
good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags.)
Quomodo cogis comas tuas sic videri? (How do you get your hair to do that?)
Feles mala! Cur cista non uteris? Stramentum novum in ea posui. (Bad kitty! Why don't you use
the cat box? I put new litter in it.)
(At a barbeque) Animadvertistine, ubicumque stes, fumum recta in faciem ferri? (Ever noticed
how wherever you stand, the smoke goes right into your face?)
Neutiquam erro. (I am not lost.)
Hocine bibo aut in eum digitos insero? (Do I drink this or stick my fingers in it?)
Vah! Denuone Latine loquebar? Me ineptum. Interdum modo elabitur. (Oh! Was I speaking
Latin again? Silly me. Sometimes it just sort of slips out.)
Cave canem (Beware of the dog.)
Cave canem...te necet lingendo (Beware of the dog, he may lick you to death.)
Dei gratia (By the grace of God.)
De mortuis nil nisi bonum (Say nothing but good of the dead.)
Diis aliter visum (The Gods decided otherwise.)
Divide et impera (Divide and rule.)
Fax mentis incedium gloriae (The passion of glory is the torch of the mind.)
Docendo discimus (We learn by teaching.)
Ex nilhilo nihil fit (From, or out of, nothing, nothing comes; nothing begetes nothing.)
Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who watches the watchmen? (Juvenal))
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur (Anything said in Latin sounds profound.)
"Homo homini lupus" ((lit.: Man is to another man a wolf.", i.e., People are wolves to each
other). For the correct use of this tag from Plautus, see for example )
"Quod omne animal post coitum est triste." Aristoteles Every animal is sad after a copulation.
"Ars longa, vita brevis." Hypocrates The work (art) is long, the life is short.
"De gustibus non est disputandum." (There's no accounting for tastes.)
"In his ordo est ordinem non servare." (In this case the only rule is not obeying any rules.)
"O diem praeclarum!" (Oh, what a beautiful day!)
"Astra non mentiuntur, sed astrologi bene mentiuntur de astris." (The stars never lie, but the
astrologs lie about the stars.)
"si hoc legere scis nimium eruditiones habes." (essentially it says, "if you can read this, you're
"Cogito Ergo Doleo." (I think therefore I am depressed.)
"in flagrante delicto" (red-handed)
"Multa ferunt anni venientes commoda secum, Multa recedentes adimiunt"--Horace, Ars Poetica
(The years as they come bring many agreeable things with them; as they go, they take many
"Exemplum de simia, quae, quando plus ascendit, plus apparent posteriora eius" --Saint
Bonaventure (He doth like the ape, that the higher he clymbes the more he shows his ars. --
Translation by Sir Francis Bacon)
"Anicularum lucubrationes" (Old wives' tales.)
"Sic transit gloria mundi" (thus passes the glory of the world)
"Errare humanun est - sed perseverare diabolicum" (mistakes are human, but to continue
making mistakes is devilish)
"Vita luna" (crazy life)
"Re vera, potas bene." (Say, you sure are drinking a lot.)
"Primum viveri deinde philosophari" (Live before you philosophize. or Leap before you look.)
"Quid pro quo?" (what for what?)
"a fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi" (The modern version would either be "between a rock and a
hard place" lit: "a precipice in front, wolves behind"!)
"Nos morituri te salutant!" (which means "We, who are about to die, salute you" it was used
when gladiatiors were about to undergo their punishment during the Roman Circus celebrations.
They hailed Cesar with that saying.)
"Absconde obesito illegitimo" (Get outta here you fat bastard (Buddy Hacket))
"Vincit omnia veritas" (The truth conquers all)
"tum podem extulit horridulum" (you are talking shit)
"Illegitimus non carborundum" (Don't let the bastards wear you down) (is equally
ungrammatical; and "carborundum" is not Latin. It is a 20th-century joke, as far as IĘcan tell
first spread about by Gen. "Vinegar" Joe Stilwell (of the Burmese campaign in WW II). See and
the page after it. )
"stercus tauri" (manure of the bull (Bull Shit) )
"Verbis defectis musica incipit" (Music springs from failing words)
"Quod me nutrit me destruit" (What nourishes me destroys me, kind of like the more you care
about something the more potential it has to cause you pain)
"cacatne ursus in silvis?" (Does a bear shit in the woods?)
"Nemo saltat sorbius, nisi infanus est.' Nobody dances when sober, unless they are insane. (my
personal favourite :) )
"Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse' It is necessary to sail/navigate, but not to live.
"Tempus fugit" (Time disappears)
"Do ut des" (The "slogan", if you will, of Roman (pre-Christian) religion, meaning "I give so that
you might give", referring to a Roman's reason for doing sacrifice, libations, etc.) (Thanks for the
info Ian!)
"Bene est mihil" (I am well)
"Decisis pennis" (With disappointed hopes)
"Lupus in fabula" (Speak of the devil)
"Ut sementem feeceris" (You reap what you sow)
"Fiducia virorum in sinistra non in dextra est" (Real men don't attack)
"Sapienti sat" (Enough for the wise)
"Res ipsa Loquitur" (The thing speaks for itself)
"Derevaun seraun" (The end of pleasure is pain)
"Gustatus similis pullus" (Tastes like chicken)
"Felix Sit Annus Novus!" (Happy New Year!)
"Quid Fit?" (What's Happening?)
"Discedere ad inferos!" (Go to hell!)
"Per Ardua Ad Astra" (Through struggles to the stars -(Motto of the Royal Air Force (in WWII
the cinemas on RAF bases were known as Astra Cinemas leading to the translation: "After work,
to the cinema")))
"Quod licet bovi, non licet bon jovi" (If a cow can do it, it doesn't mean bon jovi can do it)
"Latine dictum, sit altum videtur" (What's said in latin always seems to be more interesting.
"Pax" and "In aeternum" ("Peace" and "In eternity," supposed secret greeting for Opus Dei)
"Opus Dei" (The work of God)
"Amo, amas." (I love a lass.)
"Utinam barbari alum tuum invadant!" (roughly "May barbarians invade your armpits!")
"Sed semper ubi sububi in caput meum" (But I always wear my underpants on my head)
"Visne saltare? 'Hylobates Fungosam' scio" (Do you want to dance? I know the 'Funky Gibbon')
"Veni, Vidi. Flati" (I came, I saw, I farted)
"Vidi, Veni, Adulteri" (I saw, I came, I committed adultery)
"Transire vinus forticulus" (Pass the port)
"Si facere, esse in Circus" (roughly "If I could do that, I'd be in a circus!")
"Eia! Tu! Os porcus!" (Hey! You! Pig face!)
"Eia! Tu gleba magna!" (Hey! You big lump!)
"Eia! Tu! Spiritus verminosa!" (Hey! You! Maggot-breath!)
"Multi famam, conscientiam, pauci verentur." (Many fear their reputation, few their conscience.
-Pliny, Letters)
"Optimum est pati quod emendare non possis." (It is best to endure what you cannot change.
-Seneca, Moral Epistles)
"Caelum, non animum, mutant, qui trans mare currunt." (Those who run off across the sea
change their climate but not their mind. -Horace, Espistles)
"Tua mater est vacca foeda." (Your mother is a dirty cow.)
"Mea anima est cum te. Nostra animae sunt cum vobis." (My heart is with you. Our hearts are
with you all.)
"Cibum amo!" (I love food!)
"Cemel Dosce" (Know Thyself)
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati" (roughly translated means "When all else fails play dead" -
from the Red Green TV show's Possum Lodge Motto)
"Exegi monumentum aere perennius" (This very phrase had apparently been up for translation
in a Latin class during Dr. Turner s days as a student at Yale. One his classmates translated it as,
 I have eaten a monument harder than brass  to which the professor replied, "You had better
sit down and digest it.")
"Una salus victis nullam sperare salutem." (Literally: "The one wellbeing of the defeated is not
to hope for wellbeing." Colloquially: "The only hope of the vanquished is not to hope." - Virgil)
"In caelum cerevisiae est nullum, Itaque hic bibemus illum!" (In heaven there's no beer, that's
why we drink it here! (Translation by BaJuL)
"Si hoc comprehendere potes, gratias age magistro Latinae." (Roughly: If you can read this,
thank a latin teacher.)
"Agis Quod Adis" (Do well what you do.(The motto of Spruce Grove Composite High School
"Anno Domini" or "A.D." (In the year of the Lord)
"In hoc signo vinces." or "In hoc signo vincit" (Under this sign (the cross of God) thou shalt
conquer.) - This Latin phrase was said to have been written in the sky before Constantine, before
the battle at Milvian Bridge, North of Rome in 312 A.D. The story goes Constantine I (The Great)
was faced down by a greater force of the Mongol Golden Hoard. He had a vision of a cross and
heard a voice speak that line. Whereupon he had his men put crosses on their shields, and his
forces carried the day, saving Constantinople for another 700 years. He then proceeded to make
Christianity the official religion of the Eastern Empire, while Rome, awash in decadence, would
fall to the barbarians c. 400 A.D. There's more, though. Not wishing to completely alienate his
priests and advisors, he was not baptized himself until his death bed. A consummate politician, he
would prefer to fold or win that deal as the last man standing rather than show his hand. (thanks
to Don Gerdes for the extended story)
"Roma locuta est. Causa finita est" (Rome has spoken. The cause is finished.) - Well, obviously
that means the Emperor speaks and his decree trumps all. "Wrong, camel breath!" as Johnny
(Carsoni the Great) Carson said to Ed McMahon. The timing is in the post-400 A.D. era, and a
feud erupts between two local Churches (now dioceses), say Corinth and Ephesus. The Bishop of
Rome (now called "Pope," successor to Peter and acknowledged even then to possess the keys to
the kingdom) sends a brief message. It says who is right and why and so the fight is ended.
"Rome" is the pope, not an emperor; no do-overs by appealing the decision to the Great Umpire
in the Sky Box. The Ultimate Umpire is who gave the bishop of Rome his authority to speak in
the first place. (thanks to Don Gerdes for the extended story)
"Veritas Vos Liberabit" (The Truth Shall Set You Free)
"De omnibus dubitandum" (Everything should be questioned - Karl Marx)
"Malo mala mali quam mala equui." (I prefer the apples of an apple tree to the road apples of a
"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum." (When you have them by the balls, the
heart and mind will follow)
"Non torsii subligarium!" (Don't get your knickers in a twist!)
"Selume proferre" (Towards the light)
"Torre et Ursi meritant pecuniment sed Porky non" (The bulls and the bears deserve to make
money but the pigs deserve nothing)
"Carpe noctum!" (Seize the night)
"Bella Detesta Matribus" (War is the Dread of Mothers)
"Nanos gigantium humeris insidentes" (Standing on the shoulders of giants)
"Semper gumby" (Always flexible)
"Utrum per hebdomadem perveniam" (If I can just get through this week)
"Oderunt dum Metuant" (Let them hate, so long as they fear (Caligula, quoting an earlier Latin
"Semita exaro sunt tergum" (Track Till They're Back)
"Tempest Bebende!" (It's time to drink!)
"Homo praesumitur bonus donec probetur malus" (One is innocent until proven guilty.)
"Mors ultima linea rerum est" (Death is everything's final limit)
"Cogita ante salis." (Think before you leap (or roughly - Look before you leap.) )
"Terra firma" (Solid ground)
"Habeas corpus" (You should have the body (You have the undeniable right))
Ridentem dicere verum quid vetat.(Horace, Satires) What prevents me from speaking the truth
with a smile?
Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur. It is a wise man who speaks little.
Cogito Ergo Sum. I think Therefore I am.
Non Gradus Anus Rodentum! Not Worth A Rats Ass!
Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinis alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes! If you
can read this sign, you can get a good job in the fast-paced, high-paying world of Latin!)
Sona si Latine loqueris. (Honk if you speak Latin.)
Enigman's Favourite Latin Sayings
vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
life is more than merely staying alive
Saying Meaning/Translation
ab imo pectore from the bottom of the chest (from the heart)
ab absurdo from the absurd (establishing the validity of your
argument by pointing out the absurdity of your
opponent's position)
absit omen may the omen be absent (may this not be an omen)
abusus non tollit usum misuse does not nullify proper use
abyssus abyssum hell calls hell (one mistep leads to another)
acta est fabula the drama has been acted out. Usually in the context of
a life or event coming to an unhappy end
ad praesens ova cras eggs today are better than chickens tomorrow (a bird in
the hand is worth two in the bush)
pullis sunt meliora
adversus solem ne don't speak against the sun (don't waste your time
arguing the obvious)
aegrescit medendo the disease worsens with the treatment (the remedy is
worse than the disease)
aeternum vale farewell forever
a fronte praecipitium a a precipice in front, wolves behind (between a rock and
a hard place)
tergo lupi
alea iacta est the die is cast. Julius Caesar uttered this when making
the decision to cross the Rubicon in 49 B.C. Used when
a bold and irretrievable decision has been made.
altissima quaeque the deepest rivers flow with the least sound (still waters
run deep)
flumina minimo sono
amare et sapere vix even a god finds it hard to love and be wise at the same
deo conceditur
amantes sunt amentes lovers are lunatics
amantium irae amoris lovers quarrels are the renewal of love
integratio est
amicus humani a friend of the human race (philanthropist)
amor vincit omnia love conquers all
animis opibusque prepared in minds and resources (ready for anything)
argumentum ad an argument against the man. Directing an argument
against an opponent's character rather than the subject
at hand.
ars longa, vita brevis art is long, but life is short. 12/5/2007 2:01 PM
Latin Sayings
asinus asinum fricat the ass rubs the ass (used to describe two people
lavishing excessive praise on one another)
audaces fortuna iuvat fortune favours the bold
aut disce aut discede either learn or leave
aut viam inveniam aut I'll either find a way or make one
aut vincere aut mori either to conquer or to die
ave, Caesar, morituri hail, Caesar, we who are about to die salute you
te salutamus
beati possidentes blessed are those who possess (possession is nine
points of the law)
beneficium accipere to accept a favour is to sell one's freedom
libertatem est vendere
good wine gladdens a person's heart
bonum vinum laetificat
cor hominis
carpe diem seize the day
caveat emptor let the buyer beware
cave canem beware of the dog
cave quid dicis, beware what you say, when, and to whom
quando, et cui
cogito ergo sum I think, therefore I exist
Cras amet qui May he love tomorrow who has never loved before;
And may he who has loved, love tomorrow as well
nunquam amavit;
Quique amavit, cras
cum grano salis with a grain of salt
curae leves loquuntur slight griefs talk, great ones are speechless (minor
losses can be talked away, profound ones strike us
ingentes stupent
de duobus malis, of two evils, the lesser is always to be chosen (choose
the lesser of two evils)
minus est semper
de minimis non curat a praetor does not occupy himself with petty matters
(don't bother me with petty matters)
diem perdidi I have lost a day (another day wasted)
dixi I have spoken (I will say no more on the matter, and no
one else may speak further)
docendo discimus teach in order to learn (we learn by teaching)
donec eris felix, as long as you are fortunate, you will have many friends
(when you are successful, everyone wants to be your
multos numerabis
dura lex sed lex the law is hard, but it is the law
errare humanum est to err is human
exegi monumentum I have raised a monument more durable than bronze
(from Horace's Odes)
aere perennius
12/5/2007 2:01 PM
Latin Sayings
exitus acta probat the result validates the deeds. Avers that any means, no
matter how foul may be used if the intended result is
good. A dangerous idea.
fabas indulcet fames hunger sweetens the beans. Beans being a poor man's
fare implied that hunger makes everything taste good
facta non verba deeds, not words (Actions speak louder than words)
fortes fortuna iuvat fortune favours the brave
fortiter in re, suaviter resolutely in action, gently in manner. To do
unhesitatingly what must be done but accomplishing it
in modo
as inoffensively as possible.
in pace, ut sapiens, in peace, like a wise man, he appropriately prepares for
aptarit idonea bello
mendacem memorem it is fitting that a liar should be a man of good memory
(liars should have good memories)
esse oportet
mens sana in corpore a sound mind in a sound body
nemo liber est qui no one is free who is a slave to his body
corpori servit
nemo me impune no one provokes me with impunity. (motto of the kings of
non est vivere sed life is not being alive but being well (life is more than just
being alive)
valere vita est
non mihi, non tibi, sed not for you, not for me, but for us
non semper erit aestas it will not always be summer (be prepared for hard
non teneas aurum do not take as gold everything that shines like gold
totum quod splendet
ut aurum
nulli secundus second to none
omnia mutantur nos et all things change, and we change with them
mutamur in illis
parturient montes, mountains will be in labour, and an absurd mouse will be
born (all that work and nothing to show for it)
nascetur ridiculus mus
parva leves capiunt small things occupy light minds (small things amuse
small minds)
pessimum genus flatterers are the worst type of enemies
inimicorum laudantes
possunt quia posse they can because they seem to be able to (they can do it
because they think they can do it - the power of positive
potius mori quam rather to die than to be dishonoured (death before
praemonitus forewarned, forearmed
proprium humani it is human nature to hate a person whom you have
ingenii est odisse
quem laeseris
12/5/2007 2:01 PM
Latin Sayings
quem di diligunt, whom the gods love die young (only the good die young)
adolescens moritur
quid novi? what's new?
qui scribit bis legit he who writes reads twice Something to keep in mind
when developing Web pages
radix omnium the love of money is the root of all evil. Avarice is the
problem, money itself is not evil.
malorum est cupiditas
respice, adspice, examine the past, examine the present, examine the
future (look to the past, the present, the future)
respondeat superior let the superior answer (a supervisor must take
responsibility for the quality of a subordinate's work)
sapiens nihil affirmat a wise man states as true nothing he does not prove
(don't swear to anything you don't know firsthand)
quod non probat
semper fidelis always faithful (Motto of the United States Marine Corps)
semper paratus always ready (Motto of the United States Coast Guard)
si fecisti nega! if you did it, deny it (stonewall!)
si finis bonus est, if the end is good, everything will be good (all's well that
ends well)
totum bonum erit
if glory comes after death, I'm not in a hurry (if one must
si post fata venit gloria
die to be recognised, I can wait)
non propero
stultorum calami chalk is the pen of fools, walls (their) paper No Graffiti
please. Showing that graffiti is nothing new.
carbones moenia
sumptus censum ne let not your spending exceed your income (live within
your means)
tu ne cede malis sed Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly
against them
contra audentior ito
una salus victis nullam the one safety for the vanquished is to abandon hope of
safety knowing there is no hope can give one the
sperare salutem
courage to fight and win
vade in pace Go in peace (Roman way of saying goodbye)
veni vidi vici I came, I saw, I conquered Julius Caesar's report of
victory in 47 B.C. over Pharnaces, king of Pontus
veritas vos liberabit the truth shall make you free
victis honor honour to the vanquished
vincit qui se vincit he conquers who conquers himself Advice for anyone
contemplating a diet or kicking a habit.
vir sapit qui pauca that man is wise who talks little (know when to hold your
vita non est vivere sed life is more than merely staying alive
valere vita est
12/5/2007 2:01 PM


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