Upžat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 080

Upžat 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 080

Exam task

Exam task

Exam link

6 Przeczytaj poniĹźszy dialog. Uzupełnij luki 1-5.    9 Ł Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Kristie

uĹźywając podanych wyrazĂłw w odpowiedniej    z nauczycielem. Z podanych odpowiedzi a, b i c

formie.    wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania.

• begin • can • copy • finish • work

Jake: Hi. I got your message What's up?

Kirstie; Thanks for coming. I know you’re busy with your project.

Jake: Yes. Weil. 11    on it when your

message arrfved. I spent a lot ot time on it last week. but I *    it yet. So. what’s

the problem?

Kirstie: l'm a bit worried about my project. too.

Jake: But why? You finished yours ages ago!

Kirstie: Can you keep a secret?

Jake: Yes, surę.

Kirstie: I'    it from the Internet. I just

changed a few words.

Jake: What? That*s cheating. I don t think it’s fair on the rest of us.

Kirstie: I know, but I *______do any homework last

week because of basketball practice. I’ve just

got into the team. 15_to feel guilty

about it now. You won’t tell Mr Evans, will you?

1    Mr Evans is unhappy with Kirstie because

a)    her work wasnt very good.

b) she told him what she had done.

c)    the work she gave him wasn’t her own.

2    He knew Ihat she had copied the work because

a) of the style of wnting.

b) he knows the website she copied from.

c)    lots of people copy from the Internet.

3    Mr Evans Ihinks that students

a)    should never use the Internet.

b) don't learn if they use the Internet.

c)    can use the Internet to find information.

4    Kirstie is going to

a)    fail because she cooied her project.

b) write the project acam.

c)    Siad writing a new project on Monday.

5    Mr Evans tells Kristie to go to

Ss to read the instructions carefully before listening. Draw their attention to the fact that the last guestion is based on visual materiał, and before they listen. Ss are advised to narne the places the pictures show.

Exam task

~7 ?2 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Jake a i Kristie. Odpowiedz na pytania, wpisując w kratki 1-5 odpowiednie litery:

J (Jake). K (Kate), B (Kate s brother).

Who ...

1    is good at history?

2    suggested copying the project?

3    suggests a solution?

4    says ifs too late to change the situation^

5    thinks Mr Evans may find    out?

8a Has Kristie done something wrong?

What should she do now?

b Imagine how the story ended. Use the ideas and questions below to help you.

•    Kirstie told Mr Evans.

Did she get into trouble? What happened?

•    Kirstie didn’t do anything.

Did Mr Evans find out? Yes: What did he do about it? No: How did Kirstie and Jake feel afterwards?

•    Jake told Mr Evans.

What happened next? How did Kirstie feel?

10 Write a text message from Kristie to Jake in which she tells him what Mr Evans told her.

Exam task

11 Przeczytaj poniższe wypowiedzi. Z podanych odpowiedzi a. b i c wybierz właściwą reakcję.

1    Our Maths teacher used to sing m a rock band.

a)    I haven’t got a clue.

b) Did she? How amazing'

c)    Really? Why not?

2    I copied my work from the Net.

a)    Why did you do it?

b) What‘s up?

c)    Why don’t you surf :he Net?

3    Where are my books?

a)    That s so cool!

b) That s a shame.

c) l haven t got a clue.

Exam strategies and exercises - go to page 50 in the Language Builder. ^    ^ j


9 2.23 Elicit the correct answers.

10    Monitor and help where necessary. Then ask a few Ss to read out their messages to the class.

Exam task

11    Check the correct answers by asking two students to read aloud the mini-dialogues.

Optional Extra

After checking the answers, you could ask Ss to make guestions that could go with the incorrect options, e.g. Do you want me to take you to the new disco in town? (Answer: ic)

Optional Extra

Write one of the following sentences on the board and organise Ss into two groups to debate for and against. Tell them that they must write some reasons for their viewpoint, even if they don’t believe in it. Ask one student from each side to make a point and the other side to answer it. If your class is very large then you might prefer to conduct the activity in smaller groups or pairs.

Answer key

1 was working 2 haven't finished 3 copied 4 couldn't 5 am beginning

Answer key

1 c 2a 3c 4b 5b

Answer key

1 b 2a 3c


Further practice and guidance: go to page 51 in the Language Builder.

Exam task

7    2.22 Before eliciting the correct answers, allow Ss to compare their answers with their partners.

Answer key

1 K 2 B 3 J 4K 5 J

8    a Elicit Ss’ ideas.

b Ss work in pairs. Monitor them to see if there are similar outeomes around the class. Ask different pairs for their fcedback.


Using the internet for research is a kind of cheating. We should just use books.

it is morę important to have a good social iife than to get good grades.

It is OK to cheat ifyou don’t get caught.

Elicit and write some useful agreeing/disagreeing phrases on the board to help Ss.

Agreeing: i agree. Thafs a good point. What a briliiant idea! I think

en (tnn\

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