Me kra et ai.

6 l wreml Pka/muetiikałI>e*J*M. 2#15w %'etL 2i. Sm. *M

F%. <5|. Fkraesccoc miciosccp*: en a ges of UEK29) cclk droctły libckd by grapbcc>c-łlQI>&- Irf-3 lec 4 ta (a); HcLa cclk rcutuccd wiA <bl gnpbcbc-HQI>*-3 for 4 tr, (c\ Trf for 1 far folkmcd by grJpfacnc-HOl>*-Trf-3 for 4 br. grap boa c-HOI>** Trf«3 fcc 1 hr (d) jcd 4 br <c). Lcft: Ibc bBgk^fteld cnagc* MiddK: Ac I ki ccc* cc r/. mu ges Rębt: A: mcrgcd inugc* of Ac kit jad middfc omc* fktef///*łiuetł w Alb < rk %ki perm ku km fnmt litem et ai.. 2013 /H0/. .imerkam litemkoi Sachel)).

tow biowailibility. high mtcr* and intra-subjocl varubility, and a Lick of dotc p ropo nioru lity. To OYcroamc Acsc associatcd prób-bms, wioitt stratcgics havc bccn cxploitcd mcluding thc usc of lipid*. surfaclants.pcrmcatkin cnhanccrs. mi ero ni zat Kin, silt forma-tion, cyclodcxtrins. dcndrimcrs, runoparticlcs and solid di.spcrsions cic [81*82]. Sclfcmul.sifymg drug dehvevy system* (SEDDS) havc atlracicd con.siderabk intcrcsl allcr oommercal .-oicccs* of immuno-supprcsivc agent cyclosporinc A (N co rai") and *iquinavir <!•*<*• kivasc >. Sclfcmul.siliyipg Ibmuilations arc isctfropic mixturcs of oik (natural aixl synthclk) with surfactints (lipophilic <r hydro-ph i lic > and co-sohcnt.s, which spantancoucly emukify w hen cx-pciscd (o Ac gastro intest mai łluids to form cmul.sion or micro-cmukkws [83-84]. Solid-sclf-nanocmukifying drug dclivcrv system (.*■-SNEDDS) also providcs anofher nanotool for drug dchvcry asdibcd to Acir ability lo mcrcascs orał bkiasailability of lipophilic drugs [85 - 86]. Tamoxifcn <Tmx) is a nonstcroidal anti-estrogen and widcly uscd hormoral drug in treatment of estrogen positivc hreast cancer at muhiplcs stages. JUin Si co-workcrs reported thc orał delivcTY of Tmx and quercetin c<imbination loadrd inki solidi-dod sclf-nanocmukifying drug dehveTy system* <s-Tmx-QT-SNEDDS). This SNEDDS bascd ninosystcm of Tmx showed sig-mficant mcrcasc m cytotoxicity with approximatcly 32- and 22-fold dccrcasc in thc inhibitory dosc for tamoxifcn aixl cjuercetin. rcspcc-tivcly. Thc.se resuhs support thc possibk clinical application of SNEDDS in orał dclivcry ofdrug [87-88].


The \arkius nancicarricrs (liposumcs. nanoparticles, polymcric runoparticlcs. dendrimers, carb<m lunohoms. graphenes and carbon xunotubcs)arccurrcntly bcing emerged in drug dcbvery and target-ing wiA diversc pharmaceutical. m cdi cal and bkitechnological applkations. Attachmcnt of numcrotB Chemical funclional moictics such a* imaging. peptkles, antibcidy, targetmg liganck. siRNA and dnęs make them morę smart and mtelligcnt. Succc.-w of thcsc mul-tifunrtional nanocarriers is further supported by availibility ofmar-kekxl produets. Aha, varkius nanotcchnology pro duet* are under cxtensivc clinical triak and prcclmical desekipment płuses. Thcsc muhifunclkinal nanocarriers prewide targelabilhy. longcvi!y. mta-celhilar penentratkin and high paykiad a* well as minimal toxicity of Ac bi<uctives. MultifuiKlicmal h>brid runomaterials also seans ki beworth expkiring bccause of enormous ptttsAilides of ind i v id -ual runomaterials m a m their hybrids. while cncashmg upon well csublkhed ad vant ag es of fuiKtiorulizatkin. We beliese Aat in futurę Aese multifuiKlkinal nanocarriers will spark research m bio-mcdical and pharmaceutical areiu arxl can provide complete curc from dcadły dkeases mchidmg cancer, 1IIV/AIDS, mabru and tubercukisk and so on.


The autheirs eon firm tłut thk aniele content his no contlicl of interes t.


Dec lir ed nonę.


[1]    Jjin K. Mcha NR. Jam NK Foococul jod ocnci^eg tKock m naicftkirnucobg)'. CurrOpm 1'tuimicol 2014, 15:97-106

[2]    Koo OM. KubcDAim I, Ocyukcl H Rok of rurMcdmofog)' a tjrgcocd drug ddkecy Jnd muging: j ccackc rcvicw. Nfomcd: Nanotcdttal BkJMed 2005; I: 193-212.

[3]    Mdo NK, MrAa V, kim NK Rco:p(cc tu«d tirgccmg of Acra-pcutKs Ibcr IX*I 2013;4<3): 369-*M


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