I. Interview a candidate for a roommate. Write ąuestions to get the following information:
Roommate Questionnaire |
Name (u) |
Sex (i,2) |
Address <1.3) |
Bad habits (1,4) |
Interests <1,55 |
Abilities (i,q |
Profession (1.7) |
Pets (1.8) |
Character (1,9) |
Marital status (uo) |
II. a) You are going to hear someone talking about putting jumiture together. Your task is to clearly circłe the letter ofthe correct answer out of the Jbur options given.
I. Joattne thought theirfiat was a mess because_<2.1)
a) they didn’t have enough shelves
b) Kevin never puts thiugs away
c) they had too many books
d) they were sitting on the sofa all day
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