
1 Stconrfitionaf sentences express true o r ver y probabie situation in the present o r futurę.

futurę srmple rmperattve can/may/mighti must/shouW ♦ bare infmitiye

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

L If the weather______nice, we______a day

trip. (be / go)

2. You______an aspirin if you______a

headache. (take / have)

3>. Ifwe______the bloe whale, it______out. (not

protect / die)

^t. You______healthier if you______jjnk food.

(be / not eat)

5.    If Mark______ Sara______very upset. (not

come / feel)

6.    We______the Simpsons if we______oir room

first. (not watch / not tidy)

7.    If it______heavily, we______at home. (snów /


8. ______you______to Toms birthday party if

he______youp (come / invite)

9.    If you______my keys,______me know. (fmd /


1Q Pam______usat the station if we______

the I/t.SO train. (meet / catch)

2r\c/conditional sentences expr ess un true or ver y improbable situation in the present or futurę.



if + past srmple



+ bare infmithre

Choose the right option.

If you don t hurry, we rmss / II miss / d rmss the piane. The Sro^TS will need a lot of money if they want wants / wanted to buy a beach house.

3>. If I know / knowed / knew your email, I d send you the invitatioa

Y If you pass all yotr exams, yar parents are / wll be / wodd be very proud of yoa If I am / be / were you, I wodd book the hotel room. Weil have to change the door lock if you find dont find / didnt Tind the key.




Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

L If fcrandon______morę clearly, we______him.

(speak / understand)

2. I______morę active if I______a dog. (be /


2>. If dad______yocrger, he______on al the rides

in the theme park. (be / get)

^t. Lucy______her friends if she______study for

the maths exam. (meet / not have to)

5.    Ifl______a lottery, I______some money to

charity. (wn / give)

6.    If Sam______such a selfish person, he______

on well with peopłe. (not be / get)

7.    My cousin______a new Computer if he______

enough money. (buy / save)

8.    If I______green, I______my room with green

fcmiture. (like / decorate)

9. ______you______money to a beggar if he

______youp (give / ask)

10.    If we______to Paris, we______realły

disappointed. (not go / be)

7.    The teacher is / will be / wodd be suspicious if we all got As for Łnglish

8.    If I can have / could have / have any car, I wodd buy a red Ferrari.

9.    I share / ’B share / d share my sandwich wth you, if you don t bring yotr lunch

10.    AJice will stay in bed all day if she dont feel / doesnt feel / didnt feel very well.

1L If Rob had morę free time, he j>ned / II j>n / ‘d jain a cyding club.

12. Youll be very tired tomorrow if you stay / don t stay / didn t stay up late tonight.


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