Interdyscyplinarne zagadnienia w górnictwie i geologii, tom V, 2014 J. Drzymała (red.)


Justyna Guzy, Leokadia Róg

Central Mining Institute, Department of Solid Fuels Quality Assessment, 1 Gwarków Square, 40-166 Katowice, Poland, jguzy@gig.eu (J. Guzy)


The analysis of the combustion process rcquircs modern techniques which will easily allow to examine the Ievel of utilisation of the coal organie matter. Technique that reveals specific properties of organie matter is the optical microscopy. However, the fluorescent microscopy is even morę accurate tool which involves excitation with a beam of a specific wavelength. Combination of this two methods gives new possibilities in modem petrography to analyse of phase transformations in the combustion process. The purpose of this paper was a preliminary recognition of the possibilities regarding the use of optical microscopy in fluorescent light to examine the presence of unbumed organie substance in furnace waste. An analytic sample of raw coal and heated al temperatures 700. 1000 and 1300 °C was subject to the microscopy analysis. The results indicate that there is a possibility to implement the tested technique to the analysis of the content of organie elements in waste produced during coal combustion.

Keywords: fluorescence, fluorescence microscopy, fluorescent macerals, coal petrology, coal combustion. organie matter in wastes


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