Interdyscyplinarne zagadnienia w górnictwie i geologii, tom V, 2014 J. Drzymała (red.)


Damian Kasza

Wróciaw University of Technology, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology, 15 Na Grobli St., 50-421 Wrocław, Poland, damian.kasza@pwr.edu.pl


Recent tectonic activity in the area of Świebodzice depiession has manifested itself multi-dimensionally. The events occurring irregularly in time are observed by a set of instruments of Geodynamic Laboratory in Książ. They indicate vertical movements and ground slopes. Registered effects of tectonic evcnts are closely related to tectonic faults activity in the Książ region. To obtain a complete picture of the phenomenon naturę it is necessary to install a new measuring instrument enabling measurcments of the horizontal component of displacements which are dominant. The primary component of the tectonic signal currently is not recorded. The article includes a description of the modification of the TM-71 deformeter registration system, adapted to the recorded specific tectonic events. The developed methodology will be used for measuring a relative displacement of architectural objects (Książ Castle) caused by tectonic movements.

Keywords: TM-71 deformeter. tectonic movements, deformations of architectural objects, water-tube tiltmeter. faults. Książ, non-tidal


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