Wtul KUls do Online
Research and horoe*ork Instant mcssaging Celi phones and texting Social networking Blogging Virtual worlds file shanng Video shanng
Kjoninn un a i"~ y-.nr kirt-.'
rclinc am yi lisa
Kitów the CluDenget
Sexua' nsk and harm Cybertoullying Pn vacy Pomography
Violont and hatoful contcnt Gamir.g
Excess<ve internet use Marketing aimed at kids
The Be Web A\*xire Philosophy
Increase your awareness ot how your knfc aie using the Internet and tbe issues they may encounter along
Learn: understand what your klds do
Cotnmunicaio: koep the conyersations happenng. Participatc: use the loots andergoy!
the way
Sjfety Tipt by Age
Ages 2-4 Ages 5-7 Ages 8-JO Ages 11-13 Ages 14-17
Actiyities tor the Home
have a passon. a sub|cct a an artist atxxit which they seeni to know everything? Why not encaorage tltem to publish tnts kntMledge