W ostatnich latach ciągła współpraca w Programach Ramowych UE.
Przykładowe projekty:
1. EUROTRANS-"EUROpean Research Programme for the TRANSmutation of High Level Nuclear Waste in an Accelerator Driven System" (2005-2010)
2. ELSY: "European Lead-cooled SYstem" (2009)
3. LEADER- "Conceptual Design for LEAD and Gas Cooled Fast Reactor Systems" (2010-2013)
4. ARCHER- „Advanced High-Temperature Reactors for Cogeneration of Heat and Electricity R&D" (2011-2015)
Polish-American Co-operation, „The Neutronics of Nuclear Waste (Pu and Minor Actinides) Incineration Systems", joint project MEN/DOE-96-278; (1996-2000)