
l. Counterfeit Gdańsk (itulder From 1923

A. Jezioro

P 3

2 My Impression From Exhibition Of Gdynia Medals

M. Frąckowiak

p 10

3, Onee Morę About Plaque From Gdynia

W. Więcław


4 Once Morę About Jubilce Badge From Chełmża

Al. M. Kużmin

P 15

5. Gdynia Medals

R. Sieradzki

p. 16

6. Publishing News


p. 18

7 Only For Beginners

M. Pietrzak

p 19

8. News From Gdańsk Scction Of PTN



9 Letters To Editor

R. Sieradzki


10Txhihitions ln Malbork Museum




Therc is a very interesting article of A. Jezioro about counterfeit guilder in Lliis issue of GZN. A Jezioro describes most carcfully the falsilled guilder tirom Gdańsk. The presented ćoin was struek in 1923 in I Jtrecht and withdrawn fron) circulation as a currency ni 1932 The coins from Free City Gdańsk are very williiigly lalsilled so (hal many of tliem are offered on numismatic market or auction like Allegro for exaińple. Iliere are very precise and elear pictures of olworse and reverse of described ooin and dctailed and professional description is altached to tliem as well

ln the ne.\t aniele M Frąckowiak gives us a short review of Exhibition of Gdynia Medals from the collection of B. Filipek which was held on 10lh March, 2006

As a following to the article of W, Niemirycz publishcd in the previous issue of GZN, W. Więcław adds sonie interesting Information about collections of stamps, badges and other things connecting witli the postał bisiory which were presented at the ls Exhibition of Society of Gdynia Philatelists, which took place 28 - 29 May, 1939.

'Iliere are also morę dełails and inforrnation conccming the unknown budge or decoration of a bowling club which was presented in the laiest issue of


This linie R.Sieradzki describes in his articles several medals from Gdynia and Al M.Kuźmin gives us as always the short rcview of publishing news on the numismatic book-market

In the following article M Pietrzak presents some useful guidelines concerning numismatics I le says tliat numismatics means not only collectine of coins and bank notes but also the study of tliem. This interesting article are addressed mainly to beginners who are just starting to collect coins

The brief notę about recent events from Gdańsk Seclion of PTN, a letter to the editor and inforrnation on Exhibitions which are going to be held in Junc in Malbork Museum bring this issue of GZN to an end.

Tmnslated by KARO


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