r f
almoat defenoelesa, oppoaea *ł» enemy armad to tho teeth.
In oonseąuenoe, oyer 14 per oent of the Polish population perished In that atruggle. Thia aaorifioe is all the greater when we canaider the faot that the enemy pereeoutea the most aotive and yaluable elements of the nation. Goientists, olergy-menf artiata, teachers, teohnioiana, offioera, intelleotual woricers of all kinddand the great maflB of soc^ally and politio-ally aotlve peasanta and workers are the prinóipal yiatims of the invader. The enemy deals rcfcth hia blows in that-way that their conaeąuences be felt for long years. He applies eyerywhere the terrible prinoiple of oolleotive responsibility. And aeeing how diffioult it ia to break our reaiatanoe he uaeB his beatiality to an extent unknown hithorto in the history of the world. * 128
Hasa eseoutiona, in whioh 2.5 million Jevrs perieheu, ezoeed by their oruelty the darlceat legenda of anoient time 8.
The extreme aadiam of publio exeoutions taking plaoo in our country during the last two nontha ha a no examplo in the hiatory of mańkind. ?xwm Ootober, 19439 in the Btreets of WarBaw and many other towna of Poland, tho ahooting of hoatages i a taking place. Thore ore daya when in .far suw alone the oooupanta shoot in the 3*,reet3 and sąuares 270 men at -afc. a time. To hoighten the terror loudapoakers repeat the namea pf the killed and giye long liata of new "hostages" oaught in the streets in ćaily man-hunto. Bvery day largo rod postera are displayed with new namea. In that manner during few weeks in ‘-^saw alone morę than a thouaand peraona, and all oyer the ' r ' ^ country morę than fiye thouaand were put to death. Boaidee, priaonera confined in prisons or ooncentration campa are killed by ahota fired from behind or are suffooated in gaa ohambers by a method aplllied 8inoe four yearB.
41^ V/e are fully 6ware that the Germans are aiming if not • atj-^termination of the whole Tolich nation, at depriying it of atrenpth and rendering it defenceless. Himmler announoes further intensifioation of the terrorism againat Poles; if the lermans are obliged to withdraw from our country, our towna and yillages will be razed to the earth by the order of thia hang-man and masses of the population, apart from those fit for phyaical work, are to be deatroyod, the intelleotual clasa W-feegif? -wlth. Thi8 puts ua in face of new unapeakable horrory and terrible cangers.
Before the eyee of the world there takea plaoe this inhuman crime of exterminating the Poliah nation. Thia orime is hanging over our daily life. Our duty is to make it known to the peoplea of the world and to make them to assiat our nation whioh is struggling for its exiatenoe to the last drop of ita blood. We ask you, peoples*. of the world, for help in our struggle. We ask you to preoipitute the military operationa in order to shorten tho time whioh the Germans use for o>:.terminat-ing ua. We ask you to give support to our Goyernment and our
Anny bo that they might return aa soon aa possible to Poland