a. highJy qualified, good, pobtc and fnendly; highly skillcd, efficiendy and competendy b. wclcome, rtlased; better, tnorc satisficd c. modern, tuce, caJm; well designed, nicely deconted; soft, wairn; functwnal, comfortable 1. rangę, treatmems 2. treatments/therapies 3. methods 4. thcrapies 5. grooming, thctapeuuc procedures 6. appearance/looks 7. atmos-phete 8. look
ł 1. thcrnpies 2 therapists 3. therapy, thcrapcuoc b. 1. improve 2 un-provement 3.improved c. l.add 2 addioonal 3.additivts 4.addltion d. 1. rchx 2. rclaxmg 3. tclaxed 4. rcbucarion
a. 1. skin carc 2. makc-up 3. waxing 4. cosmeuc tatoo b. 1. massage therapy 2. non-suigtcal face lifting 3. lymphatic drainage 4. electrolysu
a. 3. evaluate the condition 2. acliicve an effect 3. givc/provide ad-vicc 4. help in the treatment 5. require training 6. promote dte brand 7. fołlow a catcer 8. focuses on the dient b. 1. the choice of cosmedcs 2 the appbcadon of these cosmeucs 3. eye-hand coordinauon 4. manuał skrlls 5. genuine interest 6. eydash and brow rindng 7. outgotng person-ality 8. post-acne scatring
1. there is 2. therc is 3. cherc aic 4. therc is 5. thcrc arc 6. are dwie 7. is thcrc 8. is thcrc 9. are therc 10. arc thcrc
l. Thcrc arc hcalth and beauty magazines in the waiunglounge. Z There arc rooms for the Staff at the back of the premises. 3. Thcrc arc two manicure tooms in the beauty salon. 4. There are a lot of ncw trcnds in make-up. 5. Therc is a need for calm/quict rclaxing places. 6. Tlicrc arc
a lot of oils which we can use. 7. Is there a massage therapest in this sa- .'(
lon? 8. Is thcrc a massage therapy in your offer? 9. Are thcrc testers of
all cosmctics which you sell? 10. Is there a sauna in the beauty salon? (
l.some Z any 3. no 4.any 5. no 6. no 7. some 8.any 9. any lO.any