img016 (14)

img016 (14)

Guess thStory

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O NOE upon a time there was a good mun. He hud a good wife and a heautiful, kind daughter. They all lived in a nioe old house and were very happy. But, one dag, the mun’s wife died. And then the mun and his daughter were very sad.

Jakie to baśnie?

After two years, the mun married again. His new wife was a nasty woman with a loud voice. She had two daughters. One of them was tali and thin. She was culled Prudence. The other daughter wus short and fat. She was called Charlotte. Prudence and

Charlotte were ugly girls. People called Them ‘the ugly sisters’.

The mon was ufraid of his new wife. He said to his daughter, ‘I know thut you are a good girl. Be kind to your new mother and your new sisters.’

‘Yes, Father,’ she answered.

But the two ugly sisters hated the mun’s daughter because she was beautiful and good.

‘You can sleep in that little room at the top of the house,’ said Prudence. ‘And you must do all the work. Give me your nice clothes. Here — you can wear this old dress. And give me your nice shoes. You don’t need shoes.’

‘Yes,’ said Charlotte, ‘start working now! This house is dirty. You must clean it!’

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Guess thStory

NCE upon u time, on a cold wintcr's day, u ąueen scit by the window ot' her eustle. She sot and mude elothes for her huby. She wunted to have u little girl.

Sometimes she looked out of the window. Outside, the snów fell, and it was verij cold.

Suddenly, she pricked her finyer with her needle, und three drops of red blood fell trom it.

‘Red is a beuutiful colour,’ she thought.

Then she looked ut the dark bluck wood of the trees outside und at the white snów.

‘My little girl will be very beuutiful,’ thought the Queen. ‘She will have skin us white us snów, hair as bluck as those trees und cheeks as red as blood.’

Soon the Queen had her huby, a little daughter. And the little girl had skin us white us snów, hair as black us trees in winter and cheeks as red us blood.

‘Oh, deur little child,’ suid the Queen, ‘you ure very beuutiful! I will cali you Snów White.’

She loved the little girl very much. But when Snów Wliite was onlg two years old, u very sad thing happened. The Queen was very ill and she died.


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