1. preparc the ingrcdients 2. take a teaspoonful 3. put... into a bowł 4. mix the ingrcdients S. form a unifotm mass 6. add a fcw drops of od
» * 4 •' •* •' 'A-..
1. treatment of acne; age spotr, fine wtinldes; the producdon of colla-gcn 2. fruit adds; skin catt; soften the skin; dead skin ceils; bcuc acid 3. damaging effects; free radicals; 4. soft and supple 5. preparanons; laycr 6. stimulates; moistutises; protects; serum
a. 1. Have you cver used any herbal cosmeocs? 2. What was o? 3. How did your skin respond to that nounshing cream? 4. Do you use anjr spedai brand of cosmeocs? Why do you change coamedcs so ofan? 5. Havc you cver used any b. 1. givc yourself a fruit mask? 2. Have you cvcr tried to prepart a fruit mask? 3. What was it? 4. How did you make/pteparc it? What did you mut? h. How long did you keep/leave it on your face? 6. Would you be interested in some mask recipes? / /Woukl you iike me to givc you ...? Will you try to make them?
a. infused; essential; yegctablr, dusolrr, herbs; room; higbcr, herbal; omrments; cołd; hot; aromadc plants; trees; grass voladle; fóur, absolute
b. balance; inseparablc/equal, opposite; energy, maintained; prescrip-
oons/tecipes; natura! ingredients; world; restoic, health; beauty, health; teflects; condidon i
Unit 13
a. learned/was learning; had, spcnr, madę; U; comes; (can) communi-cate; answer, find; did not work; have not given; have takcn; suita; am learning; will be abłe to cotnmunicate b. have just had; paid; advised; his Imencd; has fołlowed; has taiło ted; eats; drinks; has already bcnefitcd, has lost; has become; scems
2. You might need a diet tailoted co the needs of your otganism 3. You might bcnefit from a changc in the diet. 4. You might give up smoking and teduce tlie amount of coffec drunk. 5. You might sec a change in shapc and appearance soon if you observe a diet 6. A 1.5 liue of minera! watcr a day might regulatc your body metabolism.
a. proper diet; daily skin aut; slimming diet; healthy dier, resign from; reduce; fruit; vegetables, yitimin boosr, sacrificc b. depleted; vitnmin