Preparing the kniiicd piece for -ewn huttnn loops is the s.imc as lor croclicted kitton loops. Herc again. wherc the knirted piece divides lor the sin. inerease 1 schedge Mitcli łoi the part on tup. and 2 to 1 sritchcs for the part undemeuth. The loop płaceniem is culculated the sanie way as for the cruchctcd loops.
It the sehedge stitches are verv ncat, you can .sew the loops on be-rween the selvcJge stiti hes and the first stitch. If tlu* svlvcdgc Mitchcs came mir a linie uneven, first cro-chet a niw of slip stitches berwccn the sehedge stitch and the firsi stitcli, and then sew the loops on.
These loops are always macie with hall the yam.
If you don t have matching thread to sew the buttons, then use the knitling yorn! For most types of yarn, this isn‘t a problem. Depending on the yarn thickness, you have to divide the yarn in halves or into thirds.
Tho finished facing worked in the same color. If needed, work a row of single crochets along the edge of the underneath part.
Crocheting slip stitches: Put yarn un-der the work. Insert crochet hook be tween 2 stitches. from top to bottom, and bring tlie yam through to the top. Insert hook from top to bottom again,
1 or 2 rows farther along. bring an-otlier loop through, and draw it through the loop on the ncedlo.
Since the yarn is thick and the selvedge stitches are uniform, you can do without the row of slip stitches.
1 Start at the bottom edge of the slit, and sew a double loop be tween selvedge stitch and first stitch, or into the middlo of the row of slip stitches, whichever is applicable.
2 Sew around the loops with buttonholo stitch. At the end, insert needle into the stitch and come out again a few rows farther along. Then sew the next loop.