praca zaliczeniowa nrngielski

praca zaliczeniowa nrngielski


contro! an organisation or country. For many pcoplc it is a negativc word as it ofren mesns unnecessary rules, long waits, and lots of documcms and tomu.


When you nccd to obtain |= gct) or show documents, it is imporcam that you know thc

namcs of thcm. Herc arc somc important ones:


identiry card: a card with your name, datę of birth and plioto to show who you are. Grest Britain is one of the fcw countries whcre people srill do not have identity cards. driving liccncc: thc ofiicial document which pcrmits you to dnve on pubtic roads. visa: this givcs you pcrmission to entet; pass tbrough or leavc a country, certificates: officin! picccs of pjper stating certain faco, c g. t birth cerrificate gives fact* about your birth, and exam ccrtificatcs state you have passed certain exams.

Offidals often check |= took at and examine) your documents, e.g. the policc may check your driving licencc; passport officiaU may check your identity card.

Somc of thesc documents are for a fixed period of time, e.g. a v:sa may be for six mooths. At tbe end of that time, your visa runs out (infml) / expircs Ifml) (a it finishes / comca to an end). U you want to stay in the country you must rencw it (= havc a ncw one for a furthrr period of time). You can rencw a visa, a passport, a membenbip card for a dub, etc.


There are also situations where you nced to fil! in 1= complete) forms. Here are toniK landing card: a form you may have to fili in when you emer another country, cnrolmcnt form: a form you often fili in when you do a course, go to a school or college, etc. It may also be callcd a registration form. application form: a form to write details of yourself, often when applying for a job.

With ulmost all forms, you will nccd ro sign thcm (= write your signaturc), e.g:

Formal language

Here are some formal written cxpressions and their tpoken English meamngs.

Wntten    Spokeri

datę of birth    = When    were you bom?

country of origin    = Where do you eonie from?

marital status    ■ Ate you single or married?

datę of arnvał    a When    did you arrivc?

datę of departure a When are you leaving?(or when did you lcavc?)

Bureaucratic problems

We often associate bureaucracy with problems. For example, you may have to quetic (v, ni (= wait in a linę) to gct an official piece of paper or have it stamped.

EnjWi Woccbutory in Ute (pn intermediote & intermcdiutc)






Write down at least two word1. which can be uscd bcforc these nouns.

1...................... 3 ...................

card    liccnce certificatc

Complete these scntcnccs with a suitablc word.

1    Will you nced to.......... a visa if you go to the United States?

2    I was surprised that nobody    ......... my passport when we arrived in France.

3    Could you....... this form, please?

4 Thcy jent che form back to mc bccause I had forgotten to    it at the bortom.

5 I'm afraid my visa ..... .......... ncxr wcek, so if 1 want to May here I will have to But I don't think it'll be a problem.

6    You should gct there carly bccause there are always long    , and you may have

to wait quite a long time.

7    I want to do an English coursc in London, so I wrote to a few schools and asked chem to

send mc an ............. . form.

How ntany of these documents do you have? a passport    an identity card

a drivmg liccnce    a TV liccnce

a birth certificatc    a dcgrcc ccrtificntc    (ftotn a    univcrsity)

□ marriage certificace    an exam certificatc    for an    English exam, e.g- Cambridge,

Oxford or ARELS

Complete these sentences with a suitable paraphrase.

1    What's your datę of birth? In other words, when    ?

2    What's your country of origin? ........................................ .    ?

3    What's your marital status?................................. ......... ?

4    What was your datę of arrival?    ?

5    Whcn’s your datę of depanure? .    ............................... ?

I asked somc English pcople what thcy felt about bureaucracy and also about problems they had had with bureaucracy. What about you? How do you fccl? Havc you had any problems? Write down your thoughts and problems, then compare thcm with the repfics from Brinsh pcople in the answer key.

1    ..............................................................................................................

2    ..........................................................................................................................

3 ..............................................................................................

Eflfftih Vocabulary in Ust (peMntermedlotf 4 intemwilote)



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