

• A-    *

4.    This procedurę is very cffecrive in ....................

(rwmomn teksy) ą skaty)

5.    This thetapy is recommendcd m

(ywąkt^aua dopływa tkną i snbsloutjt othyocycb do skaty)

6.    Tłus preparaoon is effecnw in..........................

(popnmit oygfadn i tiastycytoia skiby)

7.    This herbaJ preparadon can be helpful in..............

(ni/nwaiJt ntedoshmoloła skaty)

8.    This therapy is of great assistance in .................

(pefmrmtmtt ttygłąda kkttiki)

Exercise 5

Join Column A and Column B to fot m mcaningful phrases.

5|    -• r

,§•:•;• . -i* 4;:-. śTV'{

* • • *L •i A .

\ ; ‘ * )

|. ' •    V    •; !

••r- ;    •

*1 VfA + ’ *V. *    *%

■ •• .- : . .

: ;*&•>

w*W.    . .*    i

• ■




a manicure

to highlight



any skin coodaion

to USC

spcaal equipmcnt

to rtmovc

the beauty of the face

to perform

body hair

Now usc the phrases to completc the sentcnccs bclow.

1.    We mustbcableto .......................................

foadotke kaidy rodzaj skaty)

2.    It is important to be able to ..............................

(podkniki f»(ktn twory)

3.    Iknowhowto .............................................


4.    We should be able to ....................................

fptsUtgsaał si( spttjabym nr^d^tMam)

5.    I can use wax to ..........................................

(ttsmtąi mtoswdt eto to)

6.    We must know how to ....................................

(wykami mamktnr)


Exercise 6


Complcte the tcxt using the phrases practiscd abovc.

l‘ve a..................your skin and I can sec a fcw things we should da

First^it is necessary to r..................your skin, r..................toains

and i..................the supply of cocygen. I will p..................a faaal

nussage, a..................a speciai mask and u..................spccial

equipment to moistunse your skin. This therapy should i..................

the texture and tonę of your skin. Next, I will a..................make-up

to h..................the skin defects and h..................the bcauty of

your face. The procedurę will defimtely e..................your appear-

ance. Fmally, 1 will r..................to you an easy but effecnve home

care skin regime.


Task 1    1

Tell what fururc bcauty theraptsts learn at schoo! and why.

Task 2


Tell what you have already learned at schooL


Task 3

"f •    ,,    .

Tell what beauty therapists must/should know and be able to do when they graduate.


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