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Post-Truth Rhetorics and Composition | link

Post-Truth Rhetorics and Composition, ENG 1030-062, Clemson Unwersityź3, focuses on critical thinking skills through the teaching of rhetorical strategies in orał. print, and digital environments. Students will learn to critically “read" a variety of texts in different mediums - including speeches, podcasts, films, news media. peer-reviewed journals. and morę. Students will also compose three larger rhetorical projects based on issues and research raised in the reading assignments and the in-class discussions. These three big projects. along with other smaller assignments. explore the use of rhetoric as tools of persuasion and conversation.

We will also attempt to learn how rhetoric works through attention to persona, audience, and the classic appeals (pathos, logos, ethos. kairos). Rhetoric teaches us how we might persuade others -- and to these ends, we will pay close attention to cultural and individual assumptions, how languages and design cues work in effective argumentation, and the ethics of persuasion. This approach is meant to build a foundation for learning strategies conceming the different types of writing in shared worlds.

The class theme frames the concept of “post-tnith* within rhetorical theory. referring to the classic triad of logos, ethos. and pathos. Borrowing from the rhetoridan and scholar, Bruce McComiskey ś3, we ask how rhetoric and argument function in a sodety where the value of reason is diminished and audiences allow themselves to be swayed by pathos and ethos. This scenario has serious consequences not only for our public discourse but also for the study of composition. Within this frame, students are free to explore their own subjects of interest. so long as such exploration meets the standards and expectations Clemson University.


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