Sophomore swimming class pro vtded sonie lun and competition lor studenta lik.*- Heidie Saek*r wh< learnol to *wim and maneuver in the Richarda pool
Pawpnnts nbounded ał the bom** oming pep asw-mbly and Goldie Karen ("onway luund herselł pnntod lor spłnt tluit day.
Bnari Kmieć cant quite believe the story lohn Lowczyk and Bill Koache aro tełkng about the completion ol the essay lor English class
Making the rounds — some thmg each ev ery one of us does in our datly routine. Stu dents make thelr daiły rounds trom class to class.
Tea cherB tnspect the students in their rounds. The administra-tion hasa daiły pattern to iollow in keeping theschool running likeclockwork. Custodians łollow a speciłic Circuit in keeping the place squeaky clean. Ali in all, HLR is a system oł organized indmduals working towardssuccess, and what better way to keep tabs on thmgs than by rnakmg the rounds.
But morę than this. making the rounds symbolizes the perfection strwen lor in each semester or year — diłlerent rounds the high school gamę. We all work together to make these rounds the besł that they can be in our never-endmg bcittle for success.
By stretching thmgs a bit, you could also think this to mean rnakmg each student well-rounded. to mstill them with a little of everything so as to have a better grasp ol knowledge and a firm understanding of society.
The purpose ol this mstitution is to educate. and it has been doing lust that for nearly a guarter of a century. We do not excel for praisessake. but forself fulfilhnent.Of course. ii accoladescome our way. we don't mmd. After all, what goes around comes fround.
* * 'The idea for the theme came from Glen Lite s sugges-ł»on. Glen is a professional artist that attends the Herff Jones camp each summer. Marietta Sullivati, the lirst HLR student to be on yearbook stall all four of her years, and Amy Wagner attended the camp.
Sponsored by the publishers Herff Jones, siu dents from the Illinois schools go to Miliken University each summer for the yearbook experience. There the Staff-ers dcfually work on the books coming up with theme ideas. cover de-signs and lad-der dummies.