> Dr. Rainer Wohlfarth (Germany)

Psychołogist, psychołherapist, neuropsychcfogist with many years of cxperiencc in working wrth people with mental dlsorders. President of ESAAT-European Society for Animal Assisted Therapy. Spcódist of Animal Assistcd Psythothr-rapy. Author of many AAl scientllSc publicadons.

Medical Doctor. Director of Geriatrics Center in Vienna. hternational spec Jist in Animal Assistcd |ntcrvention. Shc has ovcr twenty fivc years of cxpcrience in Ar mai Assistcd lntcrven-tion and is one of the pioneers in the field of AAl for eldmfy.

> Prof. Dr. Marie-Jose Endere-Sfcgers (Nethertands)

Professor for Anthroaoology at the O pen Jn'rvervty at Hcerfcn. Vice-president of the IAHA10 (International Assoeation of Human-Animd literaction OrganUationsX Psycholosist. spccialst of Aniżnal Assistcd |ntcrvcntion for cWc-ły. people wth Autistic Spectrum Disorder and people with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Author of scicntific publications on AA|.


Manager of the Norwegion Centre of Anthro/oo-logy Ipcdagogical education) International speclalst In the field of dog training. Leader of many internatiord AAl seminars. Ten years of cxpcriencc in preparing and dr-vrłnping courses for Animal Assisted kiteryeoóon at a national krvej in cooperation with the onivcrsity of ffc Sciences at As. Instructor in the Norway Kennel Club for many years.


Chifci wcłfarc offtcer, has over six years of experience In preparing Human-Dog Team to work in Animal Assistcd |nterventions-Works at the Norwcgian Centre of Anthro/oolo* gy- basie Institution for Humań Dog-Team training in Norway. International lecturer and trainer in the field of AAl Instructor in the Norweglan Kennel Club for scxteen years.

Lives and WOricS at a green care farm.

Polish psychołogisl professor at the Institute of Psychdogy (chairman of the sóentific board of thls Institute In Pd sh Academy of Sc.ences}. His field of interests i-<|jde comparatiye psyrhdogy, anirrd bchavior, sensation sceking. exd»'atory behaylor of anlmals. response to nove|ly and adaptation to change.

Author of severd scientific publications related to social po|cy and social work issi.es.

Graduatc of Univcrsite Paris-Sud XI Unryersrtć Pierre-Mendis-France - Grenoble I and Warsaw School of Economics. Spec a|i/ation in mansgement of intemationd social projccts Currently she manages two International projecU: Erasmus P|js 'Therapy dog training -Europcan Standards' and Swcdish hstitutc 'SEBCO - Social enterprises in partnershlp with the business community*.

> Magdalena Nawarccka4>i^tck (Poland)

Presdent of Anlmals for People Association. Graduatc of Warsaw Unwcrsity Spccialzation in social polcy and pcdagogycare and upbring "g with educatior J therapy. Lducationdt. sensory integration therapist, Anirrd Assistcd Therapy instructor in Anlmals for Pcodc Asscc ation sińce 2005. She has experience in Animd Assisted litcrycntion for chiłdrcn with clsabit ties and Animal Assisted Education with chiłdrcn in pubie educationd fac I ties. Dlrector of Chlldren Therapy and Devdopment Centre AU R|\ in Warsaw sińce 2010. Lccturcr in Collegium Humanitatis.


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