1.    SCOPE.

a.    This glossary proyides s landa rd dc fi ni lions for Ihc Fields subsumedby Ihc umbrella disciplineoF leiecommunicalions. Pields dennedherein includc: anienna lypes and measuremcnls, codcs/coding sebemes. compulcr and dala communicalions (compuler graphics yocabulary, filc IransFcr lcchniqucs. hardwaic. soFlv*arr). fibcroplics communicalion. Facsimile lypes and lechniqics. Frequency lopics (Frequency modulalion, inlerFerence. spcclrum sharing), Inlernel. ISDN, LANs (MANs, WANs). modems, modulalion schcmcs. mu1liplexing lccbniques. nclworking (nclwork managemenl. archilecture/lopology), Nil. NS/EP. power issues. PCS/UPT/ccllular mobile, radio Communications, routing sebemes. saleli ile comm unicalions. sccurily issues. swilching lccbniqucs. synchroniialionRiming lecbniqucs. lelegraphy. lelepbony, TV (UHP. VHP. cableTV. NDTV). IraFTic issues. Iransmission/propagalion conccrns (signal loss/allcnualion. Iransmission lincs), yidco lechnology, and waye propa galion/ mca surę men l lerminology.

b.    The lerms and accompanying dcFinilionsconlaincd in Ibis slandard arc drawn From aulborilaliye non-Goyernmenl sources sucb as Ibe Inlernalional Telccommunicalion Union. Ibe Inlernalional Organiialion For S la ndardi galion. Ibe Telecom municalions Induslry Associalion. and Ibe American National Slandards Inslilulc, as well as From numerous aulborilaliye U.S. Goyernmcnl publicalions. Tbc PTSC Subcommillce lo Rcyise PED-STD- 1037B bas rewrillcn many dcfini lions as dcemcd ncccssary cilbcr lo reFlect technology adyanccs or lo make Ibose dcfmilions Ibal wcrc pbrased in specialiied lerminology morę underslandable loa broader audience.

1.1    AppltCAbtltty. Tbis slandaid i ncorporales and supersedes PED-STD-1037B. June 1991. Acoordingly. all Pedcral dcparlmcnls and agcncies sball usc il as Ibe aulborilaliye sourcc oF definilions For lerms used in ibe prcparalion oFall lei ecom municalions documenlalion. Tbc usc oF Ibis slandard by all Pcderal dcparlmcnls and agencies is mandalory.

1.2    Purposć. The purpose oF Ibis slandard is lo improye Ibe Pedcral acquisilion proccss by proyiding Pedcral dcparlmenls and agenci es a comprebcnsiye. aulborilaliye saurcc oFdcfini lions oF lerms uaed in telecomm unicalions and di reelly rrlaleddisciplines by nalional. inleroalional. andlf.S. Goyernmcnl lelccommunicalions spccialisls.


a. Tbc lerms and definilions Ibal conslilule Ibis slandard. and Ibal arc lobe applied lo Ibe usescilcdinparagrapb 3 fceloy*. are conlaincd on page A-1 IbrougbZ-l oFlhisdocumcnl. Thcre are no olber documenls applicablc lo implcmcnlalion oF Ibis slandard. A lisi oF acronyms and abbneyialions is presenledas Appcndu A. The lisi oFabbreyialions and acronyms uses bold Fonl lo

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