Early American Literaturę

•    Jamestown (Virginia) 1607-the first setdement

•    Jolin Smith (1580-1631) “A Description of New England” (1616), ‘The General History of Virginia” (1624)

Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Golony

Puritan New England

•    Predestination (Calvin's idea) - everybody has been already assigned for heaven or

heli. God had chosen before their birth whom he wished to save.

•    Providence - nothing happens without God’s will.

•    Life is just looking for the answer whether we are among those to be saved or those to

be damned, the Elect or the Reprobate.

•    It was absolutely necessaiy to read (the Bibie).

The Puritan World

•    Every fact was interrogated for its meaning. History is nothing morę but progression toward the fulfilment of God's design on Earth - every event could have symbolic meaning.

•    We should not ask why something happens, but what for, what lesson is there to be



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