- they used pairings of words, colors, anlmals and expresslons
- in translation it Is arranged to match In generał effect, the splrit
- Indian poets of many trlbes have been aware of the hypnotlc quallty of carefully selected words and they used It consclously, f. e. a magle formula, recłted for the purpose of brlnglng raln
• the literaturę conslsts of vl\rid descrlptlons of sensual Impresslons of a vlsual, audltory, and even klnesthetlc order; the rustllng leaves, the monotonous pattern of raln striklng agalnst the teepee, the boomlng of high winds. the rlppllng of a brook, the soothlng coolness of shade
- rhythm Is the repetltlon of unlts that are elther slmllar or contrastlng
• repetltlon means accumulating power - in prayers. Incantatlons. songs
- a child repeats a statement over and over for two reasons. First, in order to make himself familiar with somethlng that appears to hlm to be threateningly unknown and thus to organize it Into his system of familiar phenomena; and second to get something he wants badly
• Indians had a glft of employing varlous sounds produced by surroundlng naturę - by animal. water. wind. storm. torn woods (onomatopoetic)
- we notice an appeallng symmetry and rhythm
- use of contrast: nlght and day, sllence and sound. małe and female. Immobillty and swift movement
The methodsof balance, parallel phraslng and repetitlon are also employed In many of the prose compositlons of the American Indian.
Repetltlons are utłllzed for maglcai and organizatory purposes. for the sake of emphasls (In the art of oratory).
Poems are like vignettes (lllustrations) resembllng the best Japanese Haiku, complete.